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User / Robb Wilson / Hats Off (or on) For Bernie
Robb Wilson / 9,596 items
And I am not ready for a Bernie hat or a bumper sticker (I get those emails as well). Bernie Sanders lit a fire under this country, and the voices heard were those of the younger generation, who will be inheriting the mess that the previous generations created -- including the current administration in Washington. They face a future of excessive student debt, inadequate to no healthcare, an environment threatened by climate change, hostile foreign regimes, an unstable economy with an equally unstable infrastructure, and the possibility of having no Medicare or Social Security. Bernie galvanized a whole generation, like the aging professor or benevolent grandfather, inspiring them to believe they have a voice in their own destiny.

And since the 2016 election, it is clear this country is in need of changes that will favor those less fortunate in terms of social and economic status. Bernie's old-school 1960s sensibilities hit the right notes for the current young generation, those at about the same age Bernie was when he first engaged in protests, some which got him arrested.

But, again, the jury is out. The lessons learned from 2016 are being put into practice for 2020, and it is obvious that the race for the White House will not be as cut-and-dried as people believed three years ago.

Nevertheless, you can now judge for yourself by clicking on the link below to my YouTube channel to see the first of a two-part video of Bernie's speech in L.A.:

  • Views: 580
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  • Taken: Mar 23, 2019
  • Uploaded: Apr 7, 2019
  • Updated: Apr 11, 2019