Today seemed the perfect day to grab some more photos of the tree across the street that appears to "bleed" red sap whenever it rains. All this time, I never noticed this until a month ago, and maybe because I was around during the rain, and there were no cars blocking my view from the apartment.
I used my phone instead of my DSLR, because I didn't want to try to juggle the camera and umbrella at the same time. I was able to hold the phone with one hand and the umbrella with the other.
Tags: Freephotos Glendale Glendale, California Red Sap From Tree Bleeding Tree Rain Rain in the Gutter Sap Tree Trunk Tree Roots
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I did not do any enhancing on Photoshop; this is how lurid looking the red sap is on the tree. It looks almost like fake blood in cheap horror movies, particularly those from Mario Bava, whose horror movies in the '60s and '70s benefited from Technicolor IB printing.
I still don't know what type of tree this is. One friend said it was a eucalyptus tree, but the leaves and bark don't look like the ones I'm familiar with. In any case, it would be interesting to find out what type of tree this is, and what kind of properties this sap has that has any value, other than making the tree look like the product of a low budget horror movie from either Mario Bava or Hammer Films.
Tags: Freephotos Glendale Glendale, California Tree With Red Sap Tree Red Sap Tree in the Rain Blood Blood Colored Tree Sap Technicolor Red Horror Movie Red
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Here is a wider view, to include the side facing west. I still used my phone here. This is pretty amazing, at least to me it is. If there is anyone looking at this that might know what kind of tree this is, or if there is a tree in their neighborhood that produces a thick red sap like this, I hope you would post any photos and share them on Flickr.
Tags: Freephotos Glendale Glendale, California Tree With Blood Red Sap Rain Tree Sap Tree in the Rain Blood Technicolor Blood Red Red Tree Bark
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When the rain briefly let up yesterday, I ran out with my Canon EOS and shot some more stills of the tree across the street, just to see how the colors and details differ from those taken with my phone. It appears the details are better with the EOS, even though the sap looks about the same. Besides looking like fake movie blood, it also suggests red paint, which is what I thought it was the first time I noticed it last month. But it is something unique with this type of tree.
Tags: Freephotos Glendale Glendale, California Trees With Blood Red Sap Trees Sap Red Heavy Rains
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I stepped to one side and got this, which also looks like the tree is wounded and bleeding, with the darker spot suggesting a bullet hole, or some kind of gaping wound. This sort of thing only seems to happen with this tree when it rains heavily.
Tags: Freephotos Glendale Glendale, California Trees With Blood Red Sap Trees Blood Red Sap Tree Trunk
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