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User / jrobfoto.com / Nuts & Bolts #5
Jonathan Robson / 10,818 items
These are what prompted me to talk a walk around Naperville. I'd been wondering all week what sort of photo I could make form the nuts & bolts which hold the Naperville covered bridges together. So armed with only the camera & lens, no lights tripod or other gizmos to get in the way off I headed.

The bridge was pretty dark, so I upped the ISO to 400 and held my breath (literally) while shooting in continuos mode.

I think they make for interesting images, also its interesting to view them as photos as they where all taken with the camera pointing almost directly upwards, not that you can necessarily tell that from the results.
  • Views: 504
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  • Taken: Jan 13, 2008
  • Uploaded: Jan 14, 2008
  • Updated: Oct 20, 2015