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User / jrobfoto.com / Schmitt trigger photogate-delay unit combination
Jonathan Robson / 11,065 items
Excuse my soldering skills, but as amazed as I was it does work! Interrupt the photogate and the camera triggers followed by the flash. Thanks to Nick Wheeler for help, this is v2, v1 didn't control the camera at all which made it impossible to use I thought as you had to trigger the camera first manually, then operate a water dropper in near darkness.

The thing to note here is that the flash is effectively your shutter speed, though being able to trigger the camera from the circuit means I don't have to leave it exposing for quite so long, thus I can have a little bit of ambient light to work in.

This kit (minus the remote camera trigger) can be purchased from hiviz.com.

Note the wireless trigger is actually a wireless flash trigger, but the bit that goes on the camera is on the circuit (seen above), and the bit that goes on the flash (not shown here) is attached to a cable which connects to my camera (5D), so its kinda used in reverse. You could just use pocket wizards also, but using 2 pocket wizards just for the camera triggering seemed wasteful... and expensive!

Many thanks to Nick for the email exchange and help in answering my questions. Nick has a much better shot of his unit and actually has some photos as a result of using the device, which i don't yet, though that's my next task!

One other thing to note is that these things are really easy to put together, there is minimal soldering involved, and my soldering skills are abysmal!

Nicks better setup shot

HiViz.com kit number - kit number SPG2-DU ($17ish I think + shipping)
eBay wireless trigger - Blazzeo NEW 16 Channel Studio Flash Radio Trigger T1H ($13 + shipping), purchased from seller link-delight-na who I had no problems with at all

Feel free to send any questions about the kit, I'll try to answer them as best i can.
  • Views: 6750
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 14
  • Taken: Dec 13, 2008
  • Uploaded: Dec 13, 2008
  • Updated: Apr 15, 2015