Make: | Canon |
Model: | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
Exposure: | 0.025 sec (1/40) |
Aperture: | f/5.6 |
ISO Speed: | 1000 |
Focal Length: | 38 mm |
Image Width: | 5616 |
Image Height: | 3744 |
Bits Per Sample: | 16 16 16 |
Compression: | Uncompressed |
Photometric Interpretation: | RGB |
Image Description: |
This picture was taken as part of a report about the project "Empowerment of ultra-poor families", initiated by the NGO NETZ (Partnership for Development and Justice ). In partnership with local organizations in Bahngladesh, Netz supports Adivasis (indigenous people) to live an independent, dignified life without hunger. As part of this journey, a small illustrated book got created, "5 day trip to Bangladesh" Di eses Bild entstand im Rahmen einer Reportage über das Projekt "Ein leben lang genug Reis" der NGO NETZ e.V.. Mit Hilfe von lokalen Partnern unterstützt Netz Adivasis (Ureinwohner) in Bahngladesch darin, ein selbständiges, würdevolles Leben ohne Hunger zu leben. Im Rahem dieser Reise entsand ein kleiner Bildband, "5 Day-Trip to Bangladesh" Fot o: Rolf K. Wegst |
Make: | Canon |
Model: | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
Orientation: | Horizontal (normal) |
Samples Per Pixel: | 3 |
X-Resolution: | 300 dpi |
Y-Resolution: | 300 dpi |
Planar Configuration: | Chunky |
Resolution Unit: | inches |
Software: | Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows) |
Date and Time (Modified): | 2020:03:31 08:32:45 |
Artist: | Rolf K. Wegst |
YCbCr Positioning: | Centered |
Copyright: | Rolf K. Wegst |
Exposure: | 0.025 sec (1/40) |
Aperture: | f/5.6 |
Exposure Program: | Manual |
ISO Speed: | 1000 |
Exif Version: | 0221 |
Date and Time (Original): | 2009:10:21 18:14:27 |
Date and Time (Digitized): | 2009:10:21 18:14:27 |
Components Configuration: | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Exposure Bias: | 0 EV |
Max Aperture Value: | 2.8 |
Metering Mode: | Multi-segment |
Flash: | On, Fired |
Focal Length: | 38 mm |
Sub Sec Time: | 32 |
Sub Sec Time Original: | 32 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized: | 32 |
Flashpix Version: | 0100 |
Color Space: | sRGB |
Focal Plane X-Resolution: | 3849.211765 dpi |
Focal Plane Y-Resolution: | 3908.141975 dpi |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit: | inches |
Custom Rendered: | Normal |
Exposure Mode: | Manual |
White Balance: | Manual |
Scene Capture Type: | Standard |
Coded Character Set: | UTF8 |
Envelope Record Version: | 4 |
Application Record Version: | 0 |
Date Created: | 2009:10:21 |
By-line: | Rolf K. Wegst |
Copyright Notice: | Rolf K. Wegst |
Caption- Abstract: |
This picture was taken as part of a report about the project ."Empowerment of ultra-poor families", initiated by the NGO .NETZ (Partnership for Development and Justice )..In partnership with local organizations in Bahngladesh, Netz .supports Adivasis (indigenous people) to live an independent, .dignified life without hunger..As part of this journey, a small illustrated book got created,."5 day trip to Bangladesh". eses Bild entstand im Rahmen einer Reportage .über das Projekt "Ein leben lang genug Reis".der NGO NETZ e.V...Mit Hilfe von lokalen Partnern unterstützt Netz .Adivasis (Ureinwohner) in Bahngladesch.darin, ein selbständiges, würdevolles Leben ohne Hunger zu leben..Im Rahem dieser Reise entsand ein kleiner Bildband,."5 Day-Trip to Bangladesh". o: Rolf K. Wegst |
Global Angle: | 30 |
Global Altitude: | 30 |
IPTCDigest: | 7900f5e7c1c2c41466387057d723975b |
XMPToolkit: |
Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c145 79.163499, 2018/08/13-16:40:22 |
Creator: | Rolf K. Wegst |
Description: |
This picture was taken as part of a report about the project "Empowerment of ultra-poor families", initiated by the NGO NETZ (Partnership for Development and Justice ). In partnership with local organizations in Bahngladesh, Netz supports Adivasis (indigenous people) to live an independent, dignified life without hunger. As part of this journey, a small illustrated book got created, "5 day trip to Bangladesh" Di eses Bild entstand im Rahmen einer Reportage über das Projekt "Ein leben lang genug Reis" der NGO NETZ e.V.. Mit Hilfe von lokalen Partnern unterstützt Netz Adivasis (Ureinwohner) in Bahngladesch darin, ein selbständiges, würdevolles Leben ohne Hunger zu leben. Im Rahem dieser Reise entsand ein kleiner Bildband, "5 Day-Trip to Bangladesh" Fot o: Rolf K. Wegst |
Format: | image/jpeg |
Rights: | Rolf K. Wegst |
Color Mode: | RGB |
ICCProfile Name: | sRGB IEC61966-2.1 |
Creator Tool: | Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows) |
Metadata Date: | 2020:03:31 08:32:45+02:00 |
Derived From Document ID: |
xmp.did:707ea038-51ed-6845-8a01-755d504e d0b4 |
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