Me and
Aaron decided to leave Envy, our Seventh Deadly Sin, until last. This is because it means something important to both of us.
To me, envy is more than just wanting something that someone else has, it's acting on it and being aware of your actions and the consequences they may have. And whereas I'm not gonna go round killing every couple in the world, there is one aspect of most people's relationships I am very envious of.
For everyone out there who gets to see their love, their husband, their wife, their girlfriend, boyfriend, crush or partner - you have no idea how lucky you are. Having the love of my life be almost 5000 miles away from me is one of the hardest things I've ever been through, and its not about to get any easier. Aaron catches his flight home tomorrow, and a little bit of colour in my life is going to fade. Just being able to wake up and see every pore in his skin in the morning makes me feel so alive, to be able to smell him and touch him, is incredible. I've never appreciated one person so much.
So for my sin today, I am envious of all of you guys reading this and looking at this picture - all of you who have the ability to see who you love.
There will be tears tomorrow :(