Today was AWESOME
I had two lessons - one of which we sat around and talked about interesting stuff, and the other where we watched a video! Then I went home, and on the bus there I sat next to an old lady who smelt just like my grandma. She died in February and I haven't smelled her smell since then so that brought back alot of nice memories. Then I got home and got a subway (yay!) and the guy gave me 10% off :D I saw the prettiest thing ever walking home - about a million birds EVERYWHERE so I figured that would be my picture today!
Mine and Aaron's accounts are now 'moderate' because someone on flickr keeps flagging our accounts, which is a bummer. We hope our photos don't offend anyone, they aren't intended to for sure. We've both written to flickr and asked for a review, but this has happened before, and if it happens again and doesn't get resolved, we may post our 365s elsewhere. gah :(
OH and GOOD NEWS I got an interview at the savannah college of art and design (SCAD) in america!!!! its in december, i cant wait!