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User / Renee's Moment / Medicine Lake Sunset
Renee / 846 items
Medicine Lake - This intriguing lake is a place of mystery and Indian legend. Due to a unique underground drainage system, the water level of the lake varies from season to season … sometimes it actually disappears! Every fall this lake mysteriously drains. What makes Medicine Lake unusual is that there is no visible channel for draining the lake – so where does the water go? The answer is, “out the bottom,” like a bathtub without a plug. Early Indians once thought that “spirits” were responsible for the dramatic fluctuations in the placid waters. Interpretive exhibits explain the phenomenon but nobody knows for sure where all of the water goes.

During the 1970s researchers used a biodegradable dye to determine the underground river's extent. The dye showed up in many of the lakes and rivers in the area to the point where it became clear that the underground system was one of the most extensive in the world.

Medicine Lake was long, most part of the lake was dry, people walked on the lake to catch the fishes... this was the "deepest" part of the lake. The photo was taken at sunset with reflection of the mountain on the lake, the golden light painted the mountains beautifully!
  • Views: 16815
  • Comments: 194
  • Favorites: 703
  • Taken: Sep 22, 2021
  • Uploaded: Jan 24, 2022
  • Updated: Jun 16, 2024