Lake Minnewanka is a glacial lake located in the eastern area of Banff National Park in Canada. For more than 100 centuries, people hunted and camped along the original shores of Lake Minnewanka. The Stoney people called it “Minn-waki” or “Lake of the Spirits”. They respected and feared this lake for its resident spirits. The Early Europeans called it Devil's Lake. Rocky Mountain ridges stretch can be seen while walking around the lake, the mountains eventually blurring into a blissful cascade of colours.
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Tags: Lake Minnewanka Glacial Banff National Park Rocky Mountain Ridges Reflection Reflections Nature Travel Landscape
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Two years in a row, standing at same location in autumn, but scenery was totally different... 😉
Bow Lake was one of the stops during driving on the Icefields Parkway. It was a cloudy morning; the sky was not tally opened, covered with thick puffy clouds, amazed by the magnificent peaks and reflections on the lake...
End of September is the time with nice fall colors, but there maybe 30cm snow in any moment... Prepare the the weather rocket changes in the last week of September. I remembered exactly same day a year later, 30cm snowfall while boarding in the airport back home, I remembered I waved through aircraft window: bye-bye Rocky Mountains.😊 Once 30cm snow, all the roads to the mountains would be closed. One 500px friend had to change their air tickets back to States one week early due to that big snowfall...
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Tags: Bow Lake Refelction Reflections Snow Rocky Mountains Peaks Glacier Lakes Banff National Park Canadian Rockies Cloudy Sky Nature Travel Landscape
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