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User / Tuscan / Sets
Sacha Padovani / 60 items

New York
41 photos
October 2015

Big Yellow Desmo EuroTour 2016
53 photos
2 weeks between Basel, the Nurburgring, Paris and back to Italy

2 photos
Caricato da "C:\Users\Padovani Sacha\Desktop" di Windows sul PC-PADOVANI

London, March 2015
30 photos

PisaBrickArt 2014
15 photos

WSBK Imola 2014
27 photos, 1 video
Sunday at the races: WSBK Imola 2014. Double win for Jonathan Rea

Costa Azzurra
54 photos
Un fine settimana nel lusso

58 photos
Mentone to Salzburg+Munchen

P.A.N. - Frecce Tricolori ad Albinia
43 photos
Il 313° Gruppo dell'Aeronautica Militare Italiana si esibisce nel cielo di Albinia (GR), 19 maggio 2013. www.aeronautica.difesa.it/PAN/Pagine/Homepage_2011.aspx

43 photos

6 photos
Maggio 2013

123 photos
A week in February

Verona Bike Expo 2013
53 photos

83 photos

40 anni in Liguria
49 photos

Matrimonio Silvia e Massimiliano
8 photos
22 settembre 2012, Sovana

236 photos
A week in Prague, 16 Aug 2012

Elba weekend
12 photos
13-15 luglio

Orbital Live @ Traffic Festival, Turin
16 photos
Saturday 9th June 2012. Orbital, at last.

il Giardino dei Tarocchi
38 photos
A spasso per il giardino di Niki de Saint Phalle

A spasso per Roma
18 photos

Italia vs Scotland, Wooden Spoon Match, 17 March...
46 photos
6 Nations Rugby Tournament 2012, Roma, Stadio Olimpico. 13-6.

Cap d'Any en Barcelona
108 photos
2012 New Year's Eve in Barcelona

Natale 2011
11 photos

49 photos
A few days in Stuttgart, august 2011

14 photos
A stopover in Ulm, august 2011

München 2011
85 photos
5 days August 2011 in Munich & Bavaria, with visits to Pinakothek der Moderne, Deutsches Museum, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Olympia Park, and a lot of Biergartens...

Lunar Eclipse
16 photos
12 June 2011 - a very long Lunar eclipse. Unfortunately I left the tripod home, so I hav to improvise and try not to breathe.

Long Weekend
26 photos
4 days in central Italy: Lazio, Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria, Toscana.

2nd Staff Training Week, Universidad de Granda
298 photos
A wonderful opportunity to work & play in Granada, many many thanks to the Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales of UGR. 21st to 27th may 2011

Isola del Giglio
30 photos
Pasqua all'Isola del Giglio. Un solo giorno di sole!

1 1 2011
31 photos
A walk in the Park - In giro nel Parco della Maremma

Cena Augurosa MotoML 2010
28 photos
Cena a Paroletta di Fontanellato.

Nürburgring 2010
102 photos
The annual pilgrimage to the Green Hell. This time in Mauro's Suzuki SX4 going outwards, and on a Ryanair 737-800 inwards.

15 photos
Il mio Ducati SS900. Amatissimo, e trascurato. Pronto per rinascere.

Goodwood Festival of Speed 2010
337 photos, 1 video
Images from the 2010 FOS at Goodwood Estate, Friday 2 - Sunday 4 July. Bike trip from Italy with Mauro. No NurburgRing this time! Photos include France, ferry and Friday, and Saturday and...

18 photos
Trip to Thruxton and Stonehenge, Monday July 5th 2010. Stonehenge still is a mystery, as to why it was erected, and why it was abandoned. The first pole circle was dated to 3100 BC. So it's a...

Colfosco 2010
21 photos
Colfosco, Alta Badia, Trentino Alto Adige SudTirol, my first time on skis!

Italia Vs Scotland, Rugby 6 Nations 2010
37 photos
Roma, 28 Febbraio 2010

Italia Vs England, 6 Nations 2010
47 photos
Stadio Flaminio, Roma, 14 feb 2010. Final score: 12-17

Cena Augurosa MotoML 2009
22 photos
Al Ristorante Mezzadri, Paroletta di Fontanellato (PR).

CameraCar Snow
24 photos
Photos taken on the way back from my '09 Xmas Best Wishes dinner in Paroletta di Fontanellato.

EICMA 2009
202 photos
Bike&Babes from the 2009 Milan show

Sardegna 2009
46 photos
MotoML in giro in Sardegna

WSBK Imola 2009
101 photos
WSBK returns to Imola after a few years

NurburgRing 2009
285 photos, 2 videos
Yearly trip to the NordSchleife. Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy. 4.000 Km 6 laps of the Green Hell. 9'59".8

One afternoon with a Duke
20 photos
Many thanks to Freddiani Motor for the kind loan of such an awesome bike

New Year in Cagliari
27 photos
Goodbye 2008

Xmas day in the park
26 photos
A rainy xmas day afternoon stroll along the beach of the Parco Naturale della Maremma. Una passeggiata pomeridiana lungo la spiaggia del Parco Naturale dell'Uccellina

EICMA 2008
249 photos
Bikes&babes from the year's biggest show

Sardoraduno 2008
58 photos
Dieci ardimentosi, Dieci disorganizzati, Dieci bestie, Dieci amici, Diecimila curve!

453 photos, 1 video
Foto di casa

238 photos
Cose viste in giro per Siena / Things seen wandering around Siena

WSBK NurburgRing & NordSchleife
221 photos
Addicted! Bikes, Bends & Babes

A spasso per Venezia - Venetian walkabout
41 photos
Il sabato dopo il Matrimonio di Sabina e Nicola

Sabina e Nicola sposi!
63 photos
Il matrimonio di Sabina e Nicola a Torcello (VE)

Raffa si laurea!
26 photos
la discussione della tesi di Raffaele

VEB 2006
11 photos
Raduno primaverile di MotoML dei Romani.

New Year in Barcelona
4 photos
31-12-05 to 07-01-06

SardoRaduno 05
5 photos
October 2005 Sardinia MOtoML motorbike gathering