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User / Christina Saint Marche / Sets / Emerald Eyes
Christina Saint Marche / 26 items

N 14 B 28.9K C 7 E Mar 16, 2012 F Mar 16, 2012
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Just testing different cameras with the monitors. Me. still as a mouse and giving my opinion. A great deal more sun than anticipated.

Tags:   christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels fort erie ontario canada diamonds emeralds crystal beach

N 2 B 16.6K C 10 E Mar 12, 2012 F Mar 11, 2012
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I was thinking of my Grandmother as I drew the sketches of this ring.

Tags:   christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels fort erie ontario canada diamonds emeralds

N 170 B 80.8K C 202 E Mar 11, 2012 F Mar 11, 2012
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I take the day off and hang out at the studio. Nothing too hard just following up on the last couple weeks of production. It looked warm out but it wasn't so when I got to the studio and had to grab a coat and take it easy. Tomorrow we work.

Tags:   christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels fort erie ontario canada diamonds emeralds

N 87 B 61.8K C 118 E Mar 14, 2012 F Mar 14, 2012
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A night out, home near midnight, skipping the gym tomorrow and I thought I'd take a B & W digital picture in this coat before it ships back to Paris tomorrow.

Tags:   christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels fort erie ontario canada diamonds emeralds

N 13 B 22.8K C 18 E Mar 15, 2012 F Mar 15, 2012
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Emerald Eyes behind the mask. Crystal Beach Re-Shoots.

Tags:   christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels fort erie ontario canada diamonds emeralds
