An Interpretation of Design by Christina Saint Marche Limited in Paris.
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Donald Francis "Don" Draper is a fictional character and the protagonist. I consume the entire four seasons of Mad Men in less than one month. I take out my sketch pad and draw as I watch the series continue through each season. Living in Europe I had not been a fan of the series but I was aware of it.
Tags: Don Draper Mad Men mad woman
Christina Hendricks as Joan Holloway.
Tags: Christina Hendricks joan holloway
I follow Red's style and personality and create a couple of fur coats from her time period. I continue on to bring Joan's fashion forward to 2012 but with a 1960's touch to the wardrobe I will use on this shoot.
Tags: joan holloway christina saint marche christina st. marche christina saint marche london christina saint marche paris christina saint marche furriers stilettos 6ihf high heels six inch high heels pirate boots 6 high heels boots cfm boots cfm high heels six inch high heels ultra high heels