"Creación de Adán" God creates Man....then he had a better idea and makes woman.
Tags: God Adam Woman Man Catholic RomanCatholic PopeJohnPaul Pope PopeFrancis Jesuit CHRISTINA SAINT MARCHE saint CHRISTINASTMARCHE ChristinaSaintMarché CHRISTINASTMARCHÉ
"Experience is not what happens to a woman. It is, what a woman does with what happens to her at that very moment in time."
The Countess Saint Marché
Tags: CHRISTINA SAINT MARCHE CHRISTINASTMARCHE Christina Saint Marche London Christina Saint Marche Paris Christina saint marche furriers Christina saint marche corsets IAMSaintMarché CountessSaintMarche CountessSaintMarché CHRISTINASTMARCHÉ CHRISTINASAINTMARCHÉ chrisitnasaintmarché saintmarche saintmarché stmarche gorgeous legs legsfordays
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Allen Pierson's recreation of a Ramon Santiago "pose."
Tags: AllenPierson AllenPiersonProject owenjones ChistinaStMarché chrisitnasaintmarché CHRISTINA SAINT MARCHE CHRISTINASTMARCHE Christina Saint Marche London Christina Saint Marche Paris Christina saint marche furriers Christina saint marche corsets stmarche stmarché saintmarche saintmarché IAMSaintMarché CountessSaintMarche CountessSaintMarché
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Allen Pierson captures my love of silk, high heels and my round bed.
Tags: allen pierson allenpierson Mattel TheCountessSaintMarché CHRISTINA SAINT MARCHE CHRISTINASTMARCHE Christina Saint Marche London Christina saint marche furriers Christina saint marche corsets saintmarche saintmarché stmarche stmarché ChristinaSaintMarché ChristinaStMarché
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I hadn't released this throwback until now for various reasons. The painting was conceived by the Artist Ramon Santiago, who was a friend. That is Ramon behind the couch and my big cats, of course, are included. Ramon was an amazing artist who had galleries in Paris, Palermo, Sicily and showed in the USA and London as well as Spain. Ramon died of cancer in December of 2001 before the original painting was done. It was very sad as he was still young. Another artist, who has painted me before, Dino Idrizbegovic of Croatia stepped in and came up with the new concept. In the painting I am holding a pair of cards, ace and jack and that is about it. Two amazing artists, Santiago and Idrizbegovic on one six foot high by twelve foot long canvas. I had it hung today in the private area of my husband's study as a reminder of these two men whom I call friends. This painting in the picture is a reduced size lithograph of the original work of art.
Tags: SAINTMARCHE SAINTMARCHÉ SAINT saint marche jewelry saint marche blue heart saint marche collection saintmarche. christina st marche STMARCHE STMARCHÉ STILETTOS stiletto high heels by Christina saint marche ST Stiletto high heels stilettos. High heel pumps stiletto heels st. marche saint-marche saint marche christina saint marche christina saint-marche chance saint marche chance saint-marche st. marche legs legsfordays sexy legs sexy high heels sexy leather CHRISTINA SAINT MARCHE CHRISTINASTMARCHE Christina Saint Marche London Christina Saint Marche Paris Christina saint marche furriers Christina saint marche corsets CHRISTINASTMARCHÉ CHRISTINASAINTMARCHÉ LATEX LEATHER FUR
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