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User / Sally Rae Kimmel / Sets / Salamanders
Sally Rae Kimmel / 11 items

N 117 B 4.4K C 71 E Jan 17, 2012 F Jan 18, 2012
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I love seeing lizards and salamanders whenever I'm out in nature! I love the orange color of this one that seems to glow as well as the eyes that I think are really cool looking!

Yellow-eyed Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica)
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA

I had previously incorrectly identified this charming little one as a California newt (Taricha torosa) when I posted it, but have since changed the description.
Thank you to Ken-ichi for the correct ID, to scott.simono for concurring with him, and to Isa and Jessica from the EBRPD for vefifying the ID. =)

Explore #341, January 18, 2012 (Thank you Rita for letting me know).
EBRPD facebook photo of the day, January 19, 2012

© Sally Rae Kimmel. All Rights Reserved. Please contact me if you would like to use any of my photographs. All of my photographs are copyright protected. They are not to be used in any way, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, downloaded, distributed and/or used in any form of media, publication or print including on the internet without my express written permission. This applies to all of my photos, whether or not this notice appears in the description, and whether or not there is a copyright or watermark on the photo itself.

Tags:   Redwood Redwood Regional Park East Bay Regional Park Oakland, CA Yellow-eyed Ensatina Ensatina Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica salamander

N 0 B 112 C 0 E Jan 17, 2012 F Sep 27, 2012
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9444 version for portrait/vertical print

I previously made 4 x 6, 8 x 10 and 8 x 12 prints of this photo in the landscape/horizontal orientation using the first version of the photo that I posted back in January, but recently made 8 x10 and 11 x 14 portrait/vertical prints using this version of the photo shown here to see how it would look/turn out in this orientation in a large size. As you can see, this version of the photo crops off some of the tail, but the prints still looked good in this orientation too. The 8 x 12 of this version crops off more of the sides, but not the bottom and top.

N 0 B 51 C 0 E Jan 17, 2012 F Sep 27, 2012
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9444 version for square print. Also can use this version of the photo to make vertical/portrait orientation and horizontal/landscape enlargements as well.

This version of the photo crops off some of the tail in the vertical/portrait orientation and leaves space at the top and bottom of the photo, but does not crop out any of the tail in the horizontal/landscape position, so this version of the photo works well to make prints in either orientation in addition to a square size.

N 0 B 543 C 7 E Feb 6, 2012 F Feb 7, 2012
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Yellow-eyed Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica)
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA

I went out salamander hunting and to get some more photos of the overwintering ladybugs late in the afternoon, since the rain was coming in the evening.

Tags:   Redwood Redwood Regional Park East Bay Regional Park Oakland, CA Yellow-eyed Ensatina Ensatina Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica

N 1 B 96 C 0 E Feb 6, 2012 F Feb 7, 2012
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Yellow-eyed Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica)
Redwood Regional Park
Oakland, CA

Tags:   Redwood Redwood Regional Park East Bay Regional Park Oakland, CA Yellow-eyed Ensatina Ensatina Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica
