Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic with Kodak Portra 400 negative film.
Schneider Kreuznach Symmar-S 150mm f5.6 lens.
Epson V700 scanner. It's sharper than the HP scan. It's a more honest colour balance which works better for the street lights and sky. However, I liked the bluer version from the HP as well...
Tags: 400 4x5 Analogue California Coit Tower Crown Graphic Epson Scan Epson V700 Film Kodak Large Format Manual Focus Negative New Portra Pacemaker Crown Graphic Portra Sam Agnew San Francisco Scan Telegraph Hill USA iso400 Alcatraz
Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic 4x5 large format camera with Kodak Ektar 100 negative film. Schneider Kreuznach Symmar-S 150mm f5.6 lens.
Date: 2012-02-07
Time: 17:36
Aperture: f11
Shutter Speed: 8 seconds
This was taken through a window at the end of the corridor where my room was on the 27th floor of the Hilton Financial District in San Francisco. I normally avoid taking through a window but in this case the choice was to miss a scene like this or take it through the window!
Well, there are some downsides to upgrading one's scanning equipment. In light of the much better resolution of the Epson I am now able to see that I actually missed focus on this shot. The picture itself is somewhat out of focus. It's not terrible. In fact, I didn't notice on the HP scan and I even have a fairly large print on the wall which doesn't look soft but I can clearly see it in the new scan. However, I can see soemthing else too. The colour is even nicer than I thought!
Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic large format camera with Fuji FP-100C peel-apart instant film.
Mostly just proof and exposure test shots but some of these I kinda like.
Tags: California Epson Scan Epson V700 Sam Agnew San Francisco Scan USA
Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic large format camera with Fuji FP-100C peel-apart instant film.
Mostly just proof and exposure test shots but some of these I kinda like.
Tags: California Epson Scan Epson V700 Sam Agnew San Francisco Scan USA
Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic large format camera with Fuji FP-100C peel-apart instant film.
Mostly just proof and exposure test shots but some of these I kinda like.
Tags: California Epson Scan Epson V700 Sam Agnew San Francisco Scan USA