Sunrise: a good photo assignment, because you don't know what you will get out there. I was so exited when I spot the birds flying by my camera view. Then with the Sun above the horizon, metered the dark clouds, trying not to underexpose the rest of the landscape. The rest was painted by Nature.
Image data: Olympus Pen E-PL2, f/16, 1/400, ISO: 400, FL: 96mm, Filter: none, Support: Tripod Slik 1000, Process: Olympus Viewer 2, file: 120101_EPL20338, Location: Lake Jesup, Sanford, Florida.
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Composition: Stop on my way to Sanford, to take a picture of an old building. Then notice the palm tree shade over this window. Trying to use the shadow as part of the composition. Rule of thirds is a simple guideline to help us position the main subject in art and photography. Remembering is a helpful concept, not a law.
Image data: Olympus Pen E-PL2, f/14, 1/160, ISO: 200, FL: 45mm, Filter: none, Support: None, Process: Olympus Viewer 2, file: 120102_EPL20454, Location: Sanford, Florida.
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Try my best to find a composition using lines. Like the way the birds in this area always form this line on this wall. Lines are important elements of composition, our eyes usually move along them.
Image data: Olympus Pen E-PL2, f/22, 1/400, ISO: 800, FL: 150mm, Mode: Aperture-priority AE, Filter: none, Support: None, Process: Olympus Viewer 2, file: 120103_EPL20490, Location: Lake Monroe, Sanford, Florida.
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Forms or shapes are also elements of composition. They are everywhere.
Image data: Olympus Pen E-PL2, f/8, 1/200, ISO: 200, FL: 40mm, Lens: Olympus 40-150mm, Mode: Aperture-priority AE, Filter: none, Support: Tripod Slik 1000, Process: Photoshop Elements 8, file: 120104_EPL20532.
Tags: forms shapes bottles bottle composition
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While waking the beautiful streets of downtown Sanford, realize that my next image for the day was under my feet. Trying to use lines to lead to a point, but forgot to put a subject of interest at the end. At least the sun was low on the horizon, giving more sense of depth. Leading lines make more sense when we use them to guide our eyes to a position.
Image data: Canon PowerShot A2200, f/3.5, 1/500, ISO: 80, Equivalent FL: 50mm, Mode: Live (image full control), Filter: none, Support: None, Process: Zoner Photo Studio 12, file: 120105_A22_0010. Location: In beautiful downtown Sanford, Florida.
Tags: street bricks lines
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