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User / Samuel Santiago / Sets / Macro Photography
Samuel Santiago / 77 items

N 167 B 4.2K C 59 E Apr 25, 2018 F Apr 27, 2018
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A 2 inches long friend at the backyard, happily posing for me. He is smiling because I told him, I will be traveling all around Florida taking pictures.
(Spanish: Un pequeño amigo de solo 2 pulgadas, posando por mi en mi patio. Esta sonriendo, porque le dije que voy a estar viajando todo Florida y fotografiando).

Tags:   Canon 7D Canon EF 100mm Macro f/2.8 Lightroom CC macro frog

N 555 B 38.2K C 88 E Nov 20, 2016 F Nov 21, 2016
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Life will always bring a deep cut in our lives. But everything can be mend with the treads of love. (quote by Sammy Santiago)
(Spanish: La vida nos traerá tarde o temprano un corte despiadado. Pero todo se podrá remendar con hilos de Amor).
For the Macro Mondays projects. This weeks theme "Stitch".
(Click on the image or Press "L" for larger view)
[This image is in my Album "Macro Mondays".]

Tags:   Macro Mondays Stitch Canon 7D Canon EF 100mm Macro f/2.8 Lightroom CC Color Efex Pro 4 Samuel Santiago Sammy Santiago green pepper stitches stitching needle green orange

N 310 B 15.1K C 69 E Oct 23, 2016 F Oct 24, 2016
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For the Macro Mondays projects. This weeks theme "Backlit".

Tags:   Macro Mondays Backlit Canon 7D Canon EF 100mm Macro f/2.8 Lightroom CC Beetle leaf macro shadow

N 53 B 8.4K C 48 E Aug 18, 2013 F Aug 19, 2013
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All of us, marching endlessly across the metal tree. A hunt for a worthy fight, to sting and bite and feed. A larger two legged insect with one large eye approaches, it's clicking and snapping sounds bombard us, with him easing in towards the heart of our pack. My brothers anchor, web rope to our metal home, each one fearlessly launching themselves to our attacker. His single eye shutters, two hands clasped about the side of his face as he looms overhead. I am ready my brothers, he will pause, he will stare and capture the moment, and then I will strike. (Short story by my son: G.S. Santi), (pen name). Model: Lyssomanes viridis (Male Magnolia Green Jumper).
Technical Info: Canon 40D, EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, Handheld, Mode: Aperture Priority, 1/125, ƒ/5.6, ISO 800, Manual Focus, File: 130818EOS 40D001626. Process: Edit raw file on Canon Digital Photo Professional. Location: Clear Lake Park, Orlando, Florida.
On my Set "A Macro/Micro World".) - for More Info on my photography. Press L for Large. (For the Spanish, look below).

Tags:   Canon EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM 40D Lyssomanes viridis Magnolia Green Jumper Male Clear Lake Park Orlando Florida jumping spider G.S. Santi

N 92 B 14.0K C 34 E May 21, 2014 F May 22, 2014
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(Inspire on the International Day for Biological Diversity). Each species of vegetation and each creature has a place on the earth and plays a vital role in the circle of life. Plant, animal, and insect species interact and depend upon one another for what each offers, such as food, shelter, oxygen, and soil enrichment. And this include all humans. (Spanish: Toda especie de vegetación y criaturas tienen un lugar, conexión y labor en el Planeta y circulo de vida. Todos se entrelazan y dependen del uno al otro. Esto incluye también a nosotros). (French: Toutes les espèces de la végétation et les créatures ont une place et une connexion sur la planète et le cycle de vie. Tous se mêlent et s'appuient mutuellement. Cela inclut également nous). Data: Canon 40D, Canon EF 100mm Macro f/2.8, ISO: 400, 1/500, f/5.6, handheld.

Tags:   Biodiversity Biological Diversity International Day for Biological Diversity flower bee Gemini Springs Park DeBary Florida Sammy Santiago Canon 40D Canon EF 100mm Macro f/2.8 Lightroom 5 interesting Flickr Explored
