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User / Samuel Santiago / Sets / Before Digital from my Archives.
Samuel Santiago / 34 items

N 51 B 1.9K C 50 E Dec 2, 1976 F Sep 8, 2023
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(Image taken with a roll film analog camera: Agfa Isolette II).
This is the year 1976, the year I met my wife and also my love for Photography. Here my wife is snacking in our small apartment in beautiful Puerto Rico. You can see my Print enlarger on the table which I used at night to make prints.
(Spanish: Esto fue en el año 1976, donde encontré mi querida esposa y mi amor por la Fotografía. Si se fijan la ampliadora del cuarto obscuro esta en la mesa del comedor. Pues no había espacio).
(Press "L" or click on the image for a large view).
Location: Ponce, Puerto Rico
Year: 1976
Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, and views.

Tags:   Film camera Agfa Isolette II scan on Epson V600 @ 2 400 dpi Kodak Tri-X Technical Pan Kodak safety film 6043 Ponce Puerto Rico 1976

N 39 B 1.3K C 36 E Dec 2, 1976 F Sep 10, 2023
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(Image taken with a roll film analog camera: Agfa Isolette II).
In 1976 read a book on Photography and suddenly became passionate about it. My father was a camera and movie projector repair man, so it was easy to get hold of a camera. One of the first cameras I got was a folding 120 film camera. Love it, because it is easy to carry. In this image, I didn't have a light meter, but by applying the sunny 16 rule, was lucky to get a perfect exposure.
(Spanish: En el 1976 todo comenzó cuando lei un libro de Fotografía que despertó mi pasión por ella. No tuve problemas en conseguir cámaras ya que mi padre reparaba equipos fotográficos. En esta foto no tenia un metro de luz y tuve que utilizar la regla de "Sunny 16". Tuve suerte y el negativo quedo perfecto).
(Press "L" or click on the image for a large view).
Location: Plaza de Ponce, Ponce, Puerto Rico
Year: 1976
Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, and views.

Tags:   Film camera Agfa Isolette II scan on Epson V600 @ 2 400 dpi Kodak Tri-X Technical Pan Kodak safety film 6043 Ponce Puerto Rico 1976

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(Image taken with a roll film analog camera: Pentax SV).
I was lucky to find a good, wonderful woman, get married, and make a family. The responsibility put me in the right direction. But I remember walking on air for weeks when my daughter Shary was born.
(Spanish: La mejor decision que hice en mi vida fue casarme con mi esposa. Una compañera maravillosa que me ayuda y complementa en todo, pero cuando nació mi hija Shary, me sentía caminado en el aire por semanas).
(Press "L" or click on the image for a large view).
Location: Ponce, Puerto Rico
Year: 1977
Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, and views.

Tags:   Samuel Santiago Sammy Santiago Photography old analog archives 1977 Puerto Rico Pentax SV Kodak Tri-X home develop

N 120 B 7.3K C 53 E Jan 1, 1978 F Sep 15, 2023
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Explored September 16, 2023
(Image taken with a roll film analog camera: Pentax SV).
The wonderful woman I love is a German/Puerto Rican girl. I remember that day, I started using Kodachrome, and took me a while because the camera had no meter and it was a backlight situation. And on top of that, a slide film ISO of only 64. But she patiently waited with a smile.
(Spanish: La maravillosa mujer que tanto quiero. Recuerdo ese dia que la hice posar por un tiempo ya que la camara no tenia metro de luz y a la misma vez tenia una situación de contraluz. Pero ella espero todo el tiempo con una sonrisa).
(Press "L" or click on the image for a large view).
Location: Ponce, Puerto Rico
Year: 1978
Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, and views.

Tags:   Kodachrome Pentax Spotmatic 2 Puerto Rico Samuel Santiago Sammy Santiago Photography old analog archives 1978 Pentax SV Kodachrome 64

N 32 B 1.1K C 16 E May 9, 1979 F Sep 18, 2023
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(Image taken with a roll film analog camera: Pentax Spotmatic 2).
As soon as I loaded Kodachrome in my cameras, I was impressed with the colors, contrast, and resolution, the only two problems with this color transparency slide film were the 4-stop dynamic range and the slow ISO speed of 64. But it was a wonderful era of colors that you can't get even today with Digital cameras.
(Spanish: Tan pronto puse el primer rollo de Kodachrome en mi cámara y espere el procesado, quede super impresionado de los colores, contraste y resolución. No importaba que tenia un Rango Dinámico de solo 2 pasos y un ISO de 64. Vino a ser mi rollo a color favorito).
(Press "L" or click on the image for a large view).
Location: Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico
Year: 1979
Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, and views.

Tags:   colors puerto rico scans Playa de Ponce Samuel Santiago Sammy Santiago Photography old analog archives 1979 Kodachrome 64 Spotmatic Spotmatic 2 Epson V600 Pentax
