The light was so beautiful when I photographed this beautiful ruin, that I can't resist posting another image. And there might be one more.
While the sites I've been posting images of are not open to the public, in Yucatan there is a group called Manzana (Mantenimiento a Zonas Arqueológicas No Abiertas - Maintenace of Archaeological Areas Not Open) that monitors the state of the ruins and, on occasion, will clear some of the vegetation around them. Though there are literally thousands of ruins on the Yucatan Peninsula, and there isn't money to maintain all of them, some effort is being made to monitor them.
At the end of November, I took my third trip to Mexico since 2014 to photograph Mayan ruins. I visited a number of ruins not open to the public, overgrown and hidden in the jungle, in order to continue working on my
series of infrared images of Mayan Ruins. Many people think that the large ruins (Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Labna, Sayil, etc.) comprise the totality of Mayan civilization in the Yucatan, but there are literally hundreds of smaller or satellite cities spread throughout Yucatan and Campeche. These are the ruins that draw me - beautiful, sometimes remote, ruins, partially overgrown, but still standing after more than a thousand years.
If you'd like to read about this trip, I have a
blog post about it that you might enjoy.
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