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User / Sandra Herber / Sets / Storm Chasing
Sandra Herber / 51 items

N 1.6K B 58.8K C 175 E May 21, 2017 F Jun 25, 2017
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From the sublime to the ridiculous!

After my fantastic Japan trip In March, I did something very, very different. In May I went storm chasing in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas through to Nebraska, is the area of the U.S. which gets the most severe weather, and the most tornadoes, every spring. Over 8 days, I chased storms through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico with the amazing Mike Olbinski. What an incredible adventure it was!

This trip involved a very different style of photography for me, but it's always fun to try something different. I hope you like the results.

In even more of a departure, I tried my hand at time lapse on this trip. If you'd like to see the time lapse film I made, it's on YouTube.

Oklahoma. May 21, 2017.

If you'd like see more images I took while storm chasing, take a look at my Storm Chasing album.

Tags:   Oklahoma Storm Chasing Lightning Great Plains

N 833 B 34.5K C 99 E May 15, 2017 F Jun 27, 2017
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A baby supercell.

On the first day of my storm chasing trip we saw this lovely little supercell in the Texas Panhandle.

Texas. May 15, 2017.

In May, 2017 I went storm chasing in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas through to Nebraska, is the area of the U.S. which gets the most severe weather, and the most tornadoes, every spring. Over 8 days, I chased storms through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico with the amazing Mike Olbinski. What an incredible adventure it was!

In a bit of a departure for me, I tried my hand at time lapse on this trip. If you'd like to see the time lapse film I made, it's on YouTube.

If you'd like see more images I took while storm chasing, take a look at my Storm Chasing album.

Tags:   Panhandle Storm Chasing Texas Great Plains

N 1.5K B 127.8K C 116 E May 21, 2017 F Jun 29, 2017
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We watched this amazing storm from a hill above Kohler Ranch, Oklahoma. Before we set up, the rancher drove by (to see what we were up to, I think) and we chatted for a while. He said his wife's father had settled the land before Oklahoma was even a state (1907) and that the Santa Fe Trail ran by the ranch just a mile away. It was amazing to hear about all that history and to think about all the amazing, powerful storms that probably swept through here all those years, as this area is pretty central in Tornado Alley.

You're probably wondering at the colours in the sky. Believe it or not, I could see that teal colour in the sky with the naked eye: certainly a colour I don't think I'd ever seen in the sky before. I took this image on the 7th day of the trip, but it was the first time I could really relax and enjoy watching a storm. Before this, we'd been in more precarious situations we needed to leave quickly or I had been worried about getting the time lapsing right (which I was doing for the first time). Standing on top of this hill, wind whistling around me, watching this storm slowly move across the landscape was one of the most lovely moments of the trip.

Kohler Ranch, Oklahoma Panhandle. May 21, 2017.

In a bit of a departure for me, I tried my hand at time lapse on this trip. If you'd like to see the time lapse film I made, it's on YouTube.

In May, 2017 I went storm chasing in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas through to Nebraska, is the area of the U.S. which gets the most severe weather, and the most tornadoes, every spring. Over 8 days, I chased storms through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico with the amazing Mike Olbinski. What an incredible adventure it was!

If you'd like see more images I took while storm chasing, take a look at my Storm Chasing album.

Tags:   Kohler Ranch Oklahoma Panhandle Storm Chasing Great Plains

N 3.3K B 143.0K C 338 E May 21, 2017 F Jul 9, 2017
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Sorry about my recent absense; I was on a short trip to the Prairies to continue work on my grain elevator series. Coincidentally, I got to chase a storm on my own out there, so I will post images of that soon.

But, for now, back to storm chasing images from my May trip. Who could resist this lone tree in a field with a fantastic storm over it, and even more exciting, a lightning strike? Not me!

If you're wondering if this is a composite, it's not. It was just a lucky catch. I didn't have my lightning trigger on (it was on my IR camera - that image to come later) and shooting time lapse on this camera (that video to come later) and happened to catch this bolt. Sheer luck. But luck always helps!

Oklahoma Panhandle. May 21, 2017.

In a bit of a departure for me, I tried my hand at time lapse on this trip. If you'd like to see the time lapse film I made, it's on YouTube.

In May, 2017 I went storm chasing in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas through to Nebraska, is the area of the U.S. which gets the most severe weather, and the most tornadoes, every spring. Over 8 days, I chased storms through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico with the amazing Mike Olbinski. What an incredible adventure it was!

If you'd like see more images I took while storm chasing, take a look at my Storm Chasing album.

Tags:   Oklahoma Panhandle Storm Chasing Great Plains

N 1.9K B 77.1K C 182 E May 22, 2017 F Jul 11, 2017
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This was taken east of Roswell, New Mexico. May 22, 2017.

In a bit of a departure for me, I tried my hand at time lapse on this trip. If you'd like to see the time lapse film I made, it's on YouTube.

In May, 2017 I went storm chasing in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas through to Nebraska, is the area of the U.S. which gets the most severe weather, and the most tornadoes, every spring. Over 8 days, I chased storms through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico with the amazing Mike Olbinski. What an incredible adventure it was!

If you'd like see more images I took while storm chasing, take a look at my Storm Chasing album.

Tags:   New Mexico Storm Chasing Great Plains
