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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Flowers
Ken Hircock / 171 items

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Best viewed in Large.
My thanks to Bathawk for the name. Caper (Capparis spinosa). Grows in rocky places, cliffs and walls
This beautiful flower was growing wild in scrub land next to a large cactus. Does anybody know what it is.

Tags:   corfu Greece Adriatic Flower ABigFave NaturesFinest BlueRibbonWinner AnAwesomeShot EmpyreanFlowers Geotagged PhotoFaceOffWinner ColorPhotoAward A3B FriendlyChallenge 119 Pre Game Winner Single Flower

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These Teasel have barbs which catch all the seed floating on the wind, this one also has a spider web catching even more.

Tags:   teasel web seed 2007 fens E500 geotagged The Perfect Photographer ABigFave My Winners DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond NaturesFinest Nature Watcher UltimateShot explore APlusPhoto SuperShot FlickrsBest Thumbsup Friendly Challenges Challenge You winner SuperHero BigMomma Pre Game Winner four seedhead StorybookWinner 281flowers 281 Game Winner

N 22 B 5.4K C 24 E Jul 8, 2006 F Dec 4, 2006
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These black Pansy's are the only ones I have ever seen. They were from my garden this year

Tags:    flower gardebn black pansy top20flower ThumbsUP StorybookWinner Game Winner 6891flower 6891 Hero Winner

N 6 B 735 C 24 E Mar 9, 2007 F Jan 4, 2008
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I shall be out for most of the day to a Wedding, I will try and catch up with everybody tomorrow

Tags:   macro daffodil yellow E500 2007 excellence MyWinners flickrdiamond DiamondClassPhotographer APlusPhoto SOE ColorPhotoAward Challenge Winner pre*Game Winner 6963 6963flower

N 15 B 746 C 53 E Apr 4, 2007 F Jan 13, 2008
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Some more of my garden tulips from last year.

Tags:   flowers tulips macro garden 2007 E500 TheUnforgettablePictures ImpressedBeauty flickrdiamond DiamondClassPhotographer AnAwesomeShot BlueRibbonWinner MyWinners ABigFave Polaris ThumbsUp SuperHero Game Winner Pre Game Winner 604flowers 604 StorybookWinner Friendly Challenges
