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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Boats
Ken Hircock / 115 items

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This well kept colourful boat caught my eye, I am a bit partial to them. I wonder why there are three pairs of oars, for such a small boat.

Tags:   boat Cephalonia Greece UltimateShot GoldenPhotographer FlickrElite AnAwesomeShot SuperHearts LunarVillage BlueRibbonWinner Eye Ysplix Top20Greece E500 FaceOff FRIENDLYCHALLENGES thumbsup ChallengeFactory ChallengeYouWinner A3B BigMomma YouRock SuperHero Game Winner Pre *Game Winner Faves Contest Runner Up StorybookWinner StorybookTTWwinner Ultra Hero Winner 9993boat 9993 15 Challenges Winner perpetul

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This old sailing ship is now an icon of the quayside in Wells, It is now used as a restaurent and bar.

Tags:   Boats England September 2007 E500 Wells Norfolk The Perfect Photographer soe ship preGame Winner geotagged Game Winner 966boat 966 Friendly Challenges

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cropped from another image, This rowing boat appealed to me.

Tags:   boat reflection blue Burnham Overy staithes Norfolk England E500 2006 SearchTheBest AnAwesomeShot ImpressedBeauty APlusPhoto DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond ABigFave The Perfect Photographer Explore ThumbsUp Big Momma FriendlyCallenge SuperHero You Rock 1st Place HeroWinner ChallengeFactory The Challenge Factory A3B Pre Game Sweep Winner Game winner Faves Contest Winner Challenge You Ultra Hero Winner Challenge winner 9989boat 9989 perpetual preGame duel 15 Challenges Winner

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A mid October Day of Perfect Calm. I could not resist the contrasting colours and reflections. This images was taken at Burnham Overy Staithes, Norfolk, England.

Tags:   sea boats Sky Norfolk England Burnham Overy Staithes creek High tide top20reflections SuperAPlus APlusPhoto Buoyant PhotoFaceOffWinner Friendly Challenges. ThumbsUp Unam Wrestling TUW072 TwoThumbsUp ThumbsUpWrestling YouRock YouRockunam The Challenge Factory SuperHero BigMomma CHALLENGEGAMEWINNER. The Challenge Game Game Winner Pre Game Winner StorybookWinner A3B ChallengeYou ChallengeYouWinner Motif StorybookTTWwinner BBQSB You Rock! Winner You Rock Unanimous AGCG winner Ultra Hero Winner CY^2 ThumbWrestler 6967boat 6967 gameX2winner Challenge winner GameX3 15 Challenges Winner perpetual

N 2 B 1.5K C 7 E Aug 11, 2006 F Sep 25, 2006
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Early evening over the mountains of Snowdonia, on a blustery day.

Tags:   boat mountains Llamberis North Wales water sky tower lake preGame Winner 574boats 574
