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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Birds
Ken Hircock / 143 items

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These Brown Pelicans were having a nap in the heat of the afternoon on the stern mooring lines. About an hour before Sunset, they started fishig, and with ease were soon full up. there must have been an abundance of fish for them at the bay on the Isla Magarita

Tags:   Venizuela Caribbean E510 November 2007 birds pelican Bravo MagicDonkey UltimateShot The Perfect Photographer MyWinners ThumbsUp BigMomma diagonal A3B ChallengeYou ChallengeYouWinner ChallengeFactory The Challenge Factory SuperHero HeroWinner Friendly Challenge Motif Game YouRock1st The Challenge Game SB CHALLENGEGAMEWINNER StorybookWinner Pre *Game Winner 6933 6933bird Ultra Hero Winner Challenge winner AGCG winner 15 Challenges Winner

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Blue-headed Hummingbird (Cyanophaia bicolor), only found in Dominica, and Martinique
This beautiful Caribbean Island is home to this tiny Humming Bird, as yet I have not identified it.

Please bear with me I will try to get back to normal as soon as possible.

Tags:   Dominica Humming Bird Caribbean bird AnAwesomeShot DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond BlueRibbonWinner SuperbMasterpiece Ysplix ABigFave Explore GoldDragon NaturesFinest The Perfect Photographer superhearts AvianExcellence E510 GoldStarAward ThumbsUp Big Momma Friendly Challenges pfo GrandMother ChallengeYouWinner beautifulworldchallenges AGCG Game SuperHero HeroWinner Motif The Challenge Factory Pre Game Winner FotoCompetitionBronze A3B FotoCompetitionSilver AGCG winner Storybook FotoCompetitionGold 6968birds 6968 StorybookWinner StorybookTTWwinner Ultra Hero Winner gameX2winner Faves Contest Winner Faves Contest Favored Challenge winner GameX3 perpetual CY^2

N 38 B 3.9K C 276 E Jun 27, 2006 F Feb 8, 2007
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I apologise for putting this Chaffinch on once more. I inadvertently deleted it some weeks ago. It is one of my favourite little birds so please forgive me for indulging myself.

Tags:   Chaffinch bird Fringilla coelebs finch AnimalKingdomElite QUALITY mywinner! AvianExcellence FeatheryFriday SuperHearts ThumbsUp FriendlyChallenge challengeyou ChallengeYouWinner CY^2 BigMomma YouRock SuperHero HeroWinner SB A3B The Challenge Factory Game StorybookWinner Pre Game Winner Faves Contest Winner AGCG winner Motif gameX2winner Challenge Winner 9993bird 9993 GameX3 15 Challenges Winner

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This flock of Dunlin were feeding peacefully when disturbed by this light aircraft about 30 mins before Sunset. Hence the Sky colour. This photograph was taken at Heacham, Norfolk, overlooking The Wash, on the East coast of England. the only place the Sun sets over the Sea on the East Coast.

Interesting when viewed in Large

Tags:   Sunset plane Norfolk England beach birds uk water sky evolte500 britain Dunlin geotagged aircraft AGCG The Challenge Factory superHero HeroWinner BigMomma YouRock1st Game gameunam ThumbsUp Motif silhouette Faves Contest Winner preGame Sweep Winner Storybook Faves Contest Favored StorybookWinner You Rock! Winner You Rock Unanimous pre*Game DUEL winner A3B gameX2winner gameX3winner Fame monthly StorybookTTWwinner Ultra Hero Winner Faves Contest Top Seed Faves Contest Favorite Son 6976birds 6976 Challenge You Challenge Winner CY^2 Friendly Challenge Factory Ultimate Grind perpetual 15 Challenges Winner CHALLENGEGAMEWINNER WinnersChallenge Weekly Duel Challenge

N 5 B 1.2K C 26 E Nov 21, 2006 F Dec 8, 2006
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These Elegant Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) are a common site on the slow running Rivers of East Anglia, England

Tags:   evolte500 water england swan ousewashes muteswan cygnusolor river nature bird e500 APlusPhoto FeatheryFriday YouRock four Game Winner Pre Game Winner Hero Winner Super Hero 1034birds 1034
