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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Explore Vol Two
Ken Hircock / 106 items

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A view of these magnificent Bays from Shirley Heights. In all my many travels this has got to be near the top of the list for scenic views.

Tags:   Antigua Shirley Heights Nelsons Dockyard English Bay Falmouth Bay Caribbean E500 GoldStarAward flickrdiamond DiamondClassPhotographer explore ThumbsUp BigMomma geotagged FriendlyChallenges YouRock YouRockunam SuperHero HeroWinner Pre Game Winner seascape scape bay Storybook StorybookWinner A3B The Challenge Factory 6970land 6970 Game SWEEP Winner StorybookTTWwinner Rock On! perpetual GameX2 ChallengeYouWinner 15 Challenges Winner

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This working fishing boat is nearly always seen on the Shingle beach at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England. It is winched up on to the beach after a nights fishing.

Tags:   Aldeburgh suffolk beach England boat fishing shingle DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond MyWinners BlueRibbonWinner The Perfect Photographer SuperShot Explore ABigFave APlusPhoto PhotoFaceOffWinner You Rock 1st Place FriendlyChallenge FriendlyChallengeunam SuperHero SuperHerounam ChallengeFactory The Challenge Factory Pre Game Winner Game Winner 6977boat 6977 Two thumbs Up perpetual

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This is in the beautiful village of Medbourne in Liecestershire, England

Tags:   Medbourne Liecestershire bridge England Reflection E500 2007 SuperShot DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond BlueRibbonWinner AnAwesomeShot ImpressedBeauty ABigFave APlusPhoto SuperAPlus breathtaking explore SuperbMasterpiece ThumbsUp SuperHero Game winner mywinners Pre Game Winner FotoCompetitionBronze TCF 6920bridge 6920

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This waterfall I spotted high in the Rain Forests of Grenada, A very beautiful Caribbean Island.

Tags:   Waterfall Grenada Caribbean Rainforest DiamondClassPhotographer flickrdiamond ImpressedBeauty UltimateShot OnlyTheBestAre The Perfect Photographer NaturesFinest SuperShot explore E510 PhotoFaceOffWinner ThumbsUp A3B Pre Game Winner 7963river 7963

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Blue-headed Hummingbird (Cyanophaia bicolor), only found in Dominica, and Martinique

The second of three shots of this wonderful little bird from the park in Roseau Dominica.

Tags:   Humming Bird Dominica Caribbean E510 Roseau Polaris MyWinners SearchTheBest. The Perfect Photographer Explore ABigFave PhotoFaceOffWinner Damn! I Wish I'd Taken That!!! wishitookthat BigMomma ChallengeYou ChallengeYouWinner PFO Friendly Challenge SuperHero Game Pre Game Sweep Winner A3B Storybook Pre Game Winner The Duel - pre*Game Sweep winners only pre*Game DUEL winner StorybookWinner Challenge Winner 9998bird 9998 TCF
