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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Explore Vol Three
Ken Hircock / 58 items

N 9 B 1.1K C 34 E May 11, 2009 F May 11, 2009
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Bought a New Lens yesterday, this is the first I took with it. It is straight from the camera, no editing was needed.

Tags:   new lens blossom pink white tree May2009 E-510 The Challenge Factory YouRock ThumbsUp explore Game Winner Pre *Game Winner AGCG winner StorybookWinner 6922flowers 6922 Challenge You Winner Challenge winner Friendly Challenges

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Explore #1

The College was founded in 1326 and was the first of the Oxford and Cambridge foundations to provide for a Master, Fellows and Scholars in a single community. It remains today a society of teachers and students brought together by a common interest in learning, teaching and research. The College has 95 Fellows, 180 graduate students and approximately 460 students following undergraduate or professional courses.

Kings College Chapel is to the right of the photo

Tags:   Cambridge college Apr2009 E-500 backs River Cam bridge punts Explore geotagged Kings College Chapel ThumbsUp BigMomma ChallengeYou Pre Game Sweep Winner river scene clare 7941river 7941 Game SWEEP Winner

N 68 B 10.1K C 214 E Sep 19, 2008 F May 11, 2009
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Part of the southern Rocky Mountains in New Mexico, the misty hazy layered landscape caught my eye

Tags:   New Mexico landscape shade mountains Rockies Sep2007 USA E-510 ThumbsUp unam ChallengeFactory The Challenge Factory YouRock yourockunam shadow layers explore BigMomma TUW054 Rockon TwoThumbsUp SuperHero ChallengeYouWinner A3B SB SB1 motif Game gameunam StorybookWinner StorybookTTWwinner Pre Game Winner fFotoCompetitionBronze FriendlyChallenge AGCG winner 128land 128 gameX2winner Ultra Hero Winner Challenge Winner gameX3winner Wresting 15 Challenges Winner 15 challenges

N 22 B 1.6K C 61 E Nov 18, 2007 F May 8, 2009
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Tags:   sunset nov2007 E-510 caribbean cruise YouRock ThumbsUp explore BigMomma FRIENDLYCHALLENGES The Challenge Factory HeroWinner Pre Game Winner 121 undefined Game Winner

N 7 B 573 C 21 E May 9, 2009 F May 8, 2009
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Sunday Morning this little fishing village seemed to be overcrowded with boats, it was quiet as most of the residents were at Church.

Tags:   MadierA CAMARA DE LOSLBOS boats village Nov2007 E-510 ChallengeFactory BigMomma explore ThumbsUp SuperHero 482 Game Winner preGame Winner 482boats
