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User / saxonfenken / Sets / 2009/10 Flowers
Ken Hircock / 129 items

N 6 B 865 C 19 E Jul 16, 2009 F Jul 19, 2009
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This Dahlia I just could not resist

Tags:   Springfields July2009 E-510 Spalding FriendlyChallenge ThumbsUp SuperHero HeroWinner BigMomma YouRock1st Pre Game Sweep Winner Challenge winner 9009flowers 9009

N 20 B 2.0K C 56 E Jul 20, 2009 F Jul 21, 2009
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Although at a Zoo for a day, these garden Flowers struck me as rather lovely

Tags:   Whipsnade Zoo July2009 E-510 Whipsnade YouRockUnanimous The Challenge Factory SuperHero explore FRIENDLYCHALLENGES HeroWinner BigMomma YouRock1st ChallengeYou Game SB StorybookWinner Pre Game Sweep Winner FotoCompetitionBronze FotoCompetition motifdchallengewinner A3B ThumbsUp pre*Game DUEL winner The Duel - pre*Game Sweep winners only gameX2winner Ultra Hero Winner Faves Contest Winner StorybookTTWwinner Wrestling Faves Contest Favored Faves Contest Top Seed Challenge winner GameX3 9018flower 9018 perpetual 15 Challenges Winner

N 11 B 844 C 31 E Jul 20, 2009 F Jul 23, 2009
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Tags:   Whipsnade Zoo dof bokeh flower three purple Whipsnade allium July2009 E-500 SuperHero explore ChallengeYouWinner 486 Game preGame Winner

N 4 B 898 C 28 E Jul 30, 2009 F Jul 30, 2009
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The white blob behind the petals is a garden lamp. To get the effect I was looking for, I put my camera setting on a wide open aperture, 400 iso, to get a higher shutter speed, as the flower was moving in the wind.

Tags:   Garden 30th garden lamp red flower cocosima mombriecia July2009 E-510 dof FriendlyChallenge explore SuperHero AGCG winner 6977flower 6977 pre*Game Winner

N 3 B 416 C 13 E Sep 11, 2007 F Aug 7, 2009
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Tags:   flowers fuchia garden pink purple sof bokeh E-500 The Challenge Factory StorybookWinner 106 Game Winner
