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User / saxonfenken / Sets / Village Signs
Ken Hircock / 4 items

N 0 B 801 C 3 E May 18, 2010 F May 18, 2010
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A lot of villages have signs of them, this I( think is one of the most beautiful that I have seen

Tags:   sign empingham rutland england village post Pre Game Sweep Winner wood writing 131 131misc

N 3 B 1.2K C 17 E Aug 16, 2009 F Aug 16, 2009
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This Church is somewhat famous for having the Rev Awdry as its vicar from 1953-1965.
Built in the 12th century, The village sign stands on a small green in front of the Church.

Below is a stained glass window to the memory of its famous Vicar, who was the Author of the Childrens Books "Thomas the Tank Engine"

Tags:   Church Emneth Norfolk england FriendlyChallenge ChallengeYou ChallengeYouWinner YouRockUnanimous SuperHero ThumbsUp 726 BigMomma Pre Game Winner Game Winner

N 0 B 564 C 0 E Oct 5, 2011 F Oct 7, 2011
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Burnham Thorpe is a small village and civil parish on the River Burn and near the coast of Norfolk in the United Kingdom. It is famous for being the birthplace of Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, victor at the Battle of Trafalgar and one of Britain's greatest heroes. At the time of his birth, Nelson's father, Edmund Nelson, was rector of the church in Burnham Thorpe.

The house in which Nelson was born was demolished soon after his father's death, though the rectory that replaced it and the church at which his father preached can still be seen. The site of the former rectory is marked by a roadside plaque

Tags:   nelson sign Burnham Thorpe norfolk England village signpost 7047misc 7047

N 3 B 619 C 7 E Feb 4, 2014 F Feb 5, 2014
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Tags:   pre*Game Winner 8033misc 8033 sign village post made of wood letters Game winner
