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User / saxonfenken / Sets / buildings
Ken Hircock / 291 items

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The Sage Music center, Gateshead

Tags:   preGame Sweep Winner Gateshead Newcastle tyne compact building posts riverside The Sage Friendly Challenges Game SWEEP Winner Faves Contest Winner Hero Winner 6973 6973city

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The Boscastle flood of 2004 occurred on Monday, 16 August 2004, This Cafe was completely destroyed, but is now once again thriving.

Tags:   To Farm 510 blue white cafe building boscastle cornwall june 2011 roof slates preGame Winner leuropepittoresque Game Winner house159 159 TheChallengefactory Challenge You friendly Challenges Perpetual Storybook

N 7 B 3.3K C 12 E Jun 4, 2010 F Jul 15, 2010
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A wonderful little village running dpown to the Sea via a steep cobbled street, there are no vehicles, and goods have to be delivered by sled.

Tags:   Devon June E-30 devon clovelly street cobbles narrow cottages village Pre Game Sweep Winner FotoCompetition FotoCompetitionBronze 117 house117 Game SWEEP Winner Challenge You Winner CYUnanimous

N 5 B 765 C 6 E Mar 23, 2011 F Mar 30, 2011
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The Folly of King Alfred the Great is in the parish of Brewham, Somerset, and was built as part of the celebrated Stourhead estate and landscape. The tower stands on Kingsettle Hill and nowadays belongs to the National Trust. It has been designated by English Heritage as a grade I listed building.

Tags:   Pre Game Sweep Winner Tower Stourhead brick building trees field grass Game Winner Only one medal 156 houses156 made of brick FotoCompetitionBronze A3B

N 5 B 643 C 14 E Jul 8, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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This tower stands guard over part of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.
magnificent views can be seen from the top. this shot was just after dawn

Tags:   Grand Canyon Arizona tower rocks sky sage road ThumbsUp Pre Game Winner 897 Land897 motifdchallengewinner GAMEX2 Game winner
