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User / saxonfenken / Sets / 2016/17/18/19 flowers
Ken Hircock / 201 items

N 6 B 763 C 7 E Jan 12, 2016 F Jan 12, 2016
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I have just took at least 20 of this new Daffodil which I was keen to get because it is so early in the year for them after a very mild winter so far. I have tried several settings and three different lenses, and sadly this is the best of the bunch, The light was very bad, and the flash just ruined the yellow.
But here it is, at least it will tell me that I had a Daffodil in my garden budding and ready to flower, Jan 12th

Tags:   jan 2 6724flowers 6724 flowers daff bud garden January Challenge Winner Game winner pregame

N 1 B 222 C 3 E Jun 29, 2015 F Jun 29, 2015
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Tags:   6763flowers 6763 pink gree flower fuchia buds Pregame Sweep

N 9 B 312 C 5 E Jan 30, 2016 F Jan 30, 2016
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Always one of the first to flower in my garden, they are early this year

Tags:   first of year 6721flowers 6721 lilacs 1st o year 2016 flowers January. blue yellow touch of yellow The challenge factory perpetual Game winner

N 1 B 418 C 0 E Feb 21, 2016 F Feb 23, 2016
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or my wife on Valenetines day, she said I was a cheapskate, as they only cost £2 or $3 or aprox 3 Euros. never satisfied, I said it was the thought that counted. They are to this day 23rd good

Tags:   6718flowers 6718m rooses val day red bunch vase flowers

N 6 B 273 C 8 E Feb 21, 2016 F Feb 23, 2016
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Tags:   flowers crocus lilac and orange purple spring 2016 The challenge Factory perpetual super hero Two thumbs up pregame sweep 9987crocus 9987
