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Their statement: The current system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust. We need alternatives; this is where we work towards them.

See my CNN iReport

Tags:   Occupy Lisbon Lisbon Teresa Teixeira Op_SpreadingLove+Op_SpreadConsciousness Anonymous Lisbon Teresa Teixeira

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Operation Spread The Love + Operation Spread Consciousness in Lisbon (downtown)

Yesterday, 26th Nov., was planned an Op, the short name the "Occupy Lisbon" movement gives to to the "Operation Spread The Love + Operation Spread Consciousness". This Op consisted in a long walk through Lisbon downtown, some of them wearing masks to arouse some curiosity and with megaphones to guarantee their voices could be heard. They spread the message of Love and Consciousness. They talked to people, shared problems with them, invited them to their house (the camping out in S. Bento), offered them food and company. They gave people flyers where the essencial message is "It's time to awake! Join us!"

And yet, as a contact of mine here on Flickr, G Hue, said: "It has always puzzled me that the biggest complaint in the media against the occupiers is that they don't have a "coherent message" -- as if they expect a large group of people who perceive that economic and political institutions are not adequately representing their interests will be able to state their concerns in a single, easily-digestible quote."

See the CNN iReport

Tags:   Occupy Lisbon Ocupar Lisboa Op_SpreadTheLove+Op_SpreadConsciousness Occupy Lisbon Anonymous Lisbon Teresa TeixeiraCamping out Acampada de Lisboa Anonymous (group) CNN CNNiReport Anonymous Lisbon Teresa Teixeira

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Yesterday I followed the Occupy Lisbon movement during the whole time of the public demonstration (general strike). It was a civic demonstration of discontent and protest. Occupy Lisbon movement and the related groups (Anonymous, Zeitgeist, Projecto 270, among others), mainly young people, gave a lesson of civism. They proved they knew how to behave as good citizens, they were peaceful and always sat when there was the climate for the riot ... It was a great day for the Occupy Lisbon movement. Congratulations!

See the iReport on CNN

Tags:   Anonymous Occupy Lisbon Ocupar Lisboa Lisboa Portugal demonstration general strike greve geral 24th Nov Teresa Teixeira CNN iReportCNN

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Days after Occupy Wall Street was forbidden to pitch tents and stay overnight, the Occupy Lisbon group was also prohibited from raising their tents where they had been camping out. Though the cold temperatures (fortunately it has not rained these last days), they are staying in the same place and sleeping in the open air. They are obeying the rules of the police, but they are at the same time peacefully seeking the necessary authorization, in the Town Hall, to raise the tents again. I visited the camp last night and was talking with some members of the group. They seem concerned because of the bad weather conditions, but they will not give up camping out. A small group stays overnight and others come during the day. They are more united than ever and willing to do all the sacrifices needed to keep the human presence that guarantees the message of the movement. They need some support as far as blankets and food are concerned. BTW, I saw a neighbour bringing some food while another was at home preparing a hot soup for them...

See the CNN iReport here.

Tags:   Occupy Lisbon Lisbon Portugal Europe without camping out photojournalism global protests

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See my CNN iReport

No dia 14 de Janeiro de 2011, activistas, integrados ou não em várias assembleias populares, e colectivos reuniram-se num Encontro Nacional de Assembleias Populares, em Coimbra, para partilhar experiências, debater ideias e formas de intervenção na sociedade. Deste encontro saiu a vontade de reforçar a comunicação e cooperação entre os vários grupos. Foi consensual entre as pessoas presentes a participação numa mobilização internacional a 12 de Maio. Esta proposta vai ser levada à discussão nas várias assembleias populares e colectivos, bem como em todos os grupos que se queiram juntar. Como conclusão, apelou-se: à formação de novas Assembleias Populares, à auto-organização da população e à realização de novos encontros.

Tags:   I Encontro Nacional de Assembleias Populares Coimbra Acampada de Coimbra Teresa Teixeira Reportagem Fotojornalismo Photojournalism Popular Assemblies CNN iReport Occupy Popular Assembies Collectives Global change assembleia popular
