Explore, March 13, 2016 #111
Thank you all! :)
I met this young girl in the audience of an important debate on the "Future of CPLC", which took place on March 12th, in Porto at Fundação Portugal-África. I publish here this first portrait, because I also believe the future is on the hands of the young generations and this young girl represents that hope. The debate was about a common cultural resource, the Portuguese language. Portuguese provides a common thread to the participant countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Macau, Brazil, and some more...
The participants were debating about the future of a global Community of Portuguese Language Countries and what should be done to make it stronger and work to meet the interests of these countries. The younger generations created an organization, "Conexão Lusófona" that has the purpose to accelerate this process...
CPLC stands for Community of Portuguese Language Countries
Este evento foi promovido pela fundação Portugal-África e pela Conexão Lusófona, contando ainda com a parceria especial da ONGD Mundo a Sorrir e do MBA Atlântico, com o objectivo de efectuar uma reflexão sobre “ o futuro de uma lusofonia global, já em plena construção, mas também sobre o futuro de uma organização internacional que representa e procura operacionalizar diariamente o projeto lusófono”, refere a organização deste evento.
Tags: There's hope for the future Girl CPLC Future Debate Fundação Portugal-África ONGD Mundo a sorrir Porto Teresa Teixeira CPLC Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa Conexão Lusófona Mundo a Sorrir O futuro da CPLC em debate
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Our Portuguese President, Prof. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, yesterday visited the new installations of the Portuguese ONGD "Mundo a Sorrir" in Porto. Before entering he was "caught" by a group of university students who asked for Selfies with him and autographs. He kindly did everything they asked, even autographed their T-shirts when paper was missing..
See the reportage here...
Tags: Porto Mundo a Sorrir ONGD Mundo a Sorrir University Students Visit new installations oral health Dentists Volunteers Teresa Teixeira Portuguese President Prof. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
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I took some photographs on an event that took place in Porto last weekend, "Porto Innovation Week Water", where "Mundo a Sorrir", a Portuguese ONG, was present to remind people and teach children that oral higienic habits keep the mouth and the body healthy. Teaching children how to brush their teeth correctly was their goal.
I am using one of those to pay an homage to "Mundo a Sorrir", the Portuguese ONG who is completely devoted to oral health and has been doing a splendid work in Portugal and PALOP countries = Oficial Portuguese Speaking African Countries. .
Tags: Teresa Teixeira Mundo a Sorrir Porto Innovation Week Water World Dentist Day Children Oral Health
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