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User / Schill
Scott Schiller / 6,580 items

N 11 B 11.4K C 15 E Mar 7, 2014 F Mar 7, 2014
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March 2014: Updated UI around EXIF, showing some nice illustrations for roughly the top 40 cameras on Flickr. Where applicable, we show the device name, a line-art illustration of the device (and a generic lens if lens data is present), along with camera settings.

EXIF data can vary widely since it's generated per-device, so there may be some variations in formatting of values and numbers.

If we don't have an exact match for a given camera, we try to fall back to the general device class/category if known (i.e., smartphone, DSLR, point-and-shoot and the like.)

There will be cases where we don't have a match or fallback, but we hope to get the most common/popular devices and can revise this over time.

Tags:   flickrhq design ui exif nodejs hermes

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The owner of dearmarissamayer.com updated the site from "Please make Flickr awesome again" to "Thank you for making flickr awesome again" after our 5/20 refresh project launched. I think we can call this one closed.

Tags:   mobile flickrhq

N 15 B 3.8K C 15 E Oct 30, 2009 F Oct 30, 2009
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Also, that rug really tied the room together.

With my hair the longest it's ever been, and at least some facial hair, this was the year to pay tribute to a cult classic.

This is a tribute to the scene where The Dude had his head dunked in the toilet by some thugs, shortly after trashing his place and asking "WTF is this?" regarding a bowling ball.

I also managed to find the same style of 70's-era Pendleton Cowichan wool sweater jacket worn by The "Dude" in the movie, which is probably the most fun bit of the whole thing.

Tags:   thedude dude jefflebowski thebiglebowski lebowski

N 46 B 33.7K C 22 E Aug 3, 2009 F Aug 3, 2009
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Eat my basil plants, will you? Now we'll see who gets eaten!

This is my revenge on the little green bastards that utterly destroyed my basil plants back in 2008.

The speed at which traps close generally depends on health and temperature of the overall plant, so I'm told. This action happens once one of the small trigger hairs is touched twice in a row by an insect. (This is why dead bugs don't get "eaten"; without repeated triggering after closing, the trap thinks it "missed" and will re-open over the next day.)

Once closed, the video is sped up to show how the trap continues to seal as encouraged by the trapped insect.

The background accompaniment is a mash-up I made myself the old-fashioned way, using turntables and records; it's a mix of samples from a scary soundtrack, blended with bits of an old record from the 60's on how to be a radio disk jockey.

This compilation took a lot of patience to put together. Getting macro video of plants is difficult, but was only the first step; getting bugs into a position where they'll eventually end up in the trap proved to be frustrating - but as the results show, a worthwhile effort.

Tags:   vft venusflytrap dionaeamuscipula carnivorous plant

N 60 B 63.8K C 24 E May 16, 2009 F May 16, 2009
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The lightwell my windows open into has had turtle doves nesting for the last two years, and now we've had what appears to be a black-chinned hummingbird move in. They're quite neat to watch. This one has set up in a camilia tree.

I put my camera (Canon PowerShot SX100IS) on a ladder and used the 10X optical zoom to get a decent shot. The picture quality for video is quite decent for 640x480.

The bird leaves and returns with some feather down, presumably building or maintaining the nest. It appears to have a long tongue, as well.

Tags:   hummingbird Trochilidae wild bird
