A foreground!! My kingdom for a foreground! Finding items for a foreground along the Belgian coast is really difficult--no docks, no boatwrecks, no seastacks.....but if you stand in the right place at the right time, one does find the one or the other nice reflection--if only for a moment.
note to self: when out on a beach witnessing an amazing sunrise under somewhat windy conditions, check the lens every now and then to make sure that the spray isn't getting to comfortable there. One doesn't see ít on the screen when checking images.... Note the center of the image! I was sooo frustrated, as most of the images landed in the 'rubbish-bin'. These, I could photoshop out, but left them as a homage to my stupidity.
It was still a great morning--especially because I had actually talked myself into staying in bed due to it raining outside--it was a small victory over my lazy half.
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