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User / Plant pests and diseases / Sets
Scot Nelson / 500 items

Sea oats
1 photo

1 photo, 1 video

Anhinga anhinga
1 photo

Camellia: Color breaking
2 photos

Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica):...
6 photos

Agave: Scale
4 photos

Ficus: Cuban laurel thrips, Gynaikothrips ficorum
4 photos

Banana spider
3 photos

Sugarcane lacebug
1 photo

Epipremnum aureum: Algal leaf spot
6 photos

Yucca elephantipes: Brown leaf spot
5 photos

2 photos

Banana: Split fingers
1 photo

Strigula elegans
9 photos

Guava: Algal leaf and fruit spot
39 photos
Pathogen: Cephaleuros parasiticus

Tropical almond: Rats feeding injury to nuts
4 photos

Insignorthezia insignis (greenhouse orthezia)
12 photos

Alocasia macrorrhiza: Mealybugs on leaf
2 photos

Tahitian gardenia: Scales
6 photos

Onion: Bacterial soft rot
4 photos

Plum: Black knot
2 photos

Hawaiian cotton: Mealybugs
22 photos

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia): Powdery mildew
4 photos

Okra: Mealybugs tended by ants
1 photo

Aquatic weeds
5 photos

Azolla pinnata (Ferny azolla, mosquito fern)
5 photos

Spinach: Cercospora leaf spot
11 photos

Mustard: White rust
3 photos

Noni: Thrips feeding injury
6 photos

Coprinus lagopus
2 photos

Wedelia: Blotch miners
3 photos

Acacia koa: Lichens
2 photos

Silky oak dieback
3 photos

Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis)
1 photo

Pig damage to avocado
7 photos

Crucifer: Powdery mildew
15 photos

Cucumber: Anthracnose
3 photos

Panax (Polyscias guilfoylei): Powdery mildew
26 photos

Mock orange: Scales and sooty mold
3 photos

2 photos

4 photos, 2 videos

Variegated Flax Lily 'Vairegata' (Dainella...
6 photos

Aleurites moluccanus (kukui): Scales
2 photos, 3 videos

Papaya: Latexosis
5 photos

Coprinus cinereus
1 photo

Cassava: Persea mites feeding injury
11 photos, 1 video

Stator limbatus
3 photos

Pineapple: Translucent fruit pulp
2 photos

Red ginger: Bagworm moth feeding injury
2 photos

Banana: Fusarium wilt (Panama disease)
25 photos
banana variety Koa e Kea

Breadfruit: Potassium deficiency
1 photo

Hibiscus clayi
3 photos

Mango: Jelly seed
1 photo

1 video

Colocasia gigantea: Alternaria leaf spot
2 photos

Kale: Bacterial soft rot
3 photos

Avocado: Phytophthora root and stem rot
2 photos

Magnolia: Algal leaf spot
4 photos

Ae Ae
1 photo

Precocious germination of seed
1 photo

Cassava: Spider mites
1 photo

Lettuce: Downy mildew
3 photos, 1 video

Avocado: Stem rot
8 photos
North Kohala, leeward side of the mountain, at 2,000’ elevation

Parasitic wasps
2 photos, 1 video

Beauveria bassiana
12 photos

Banana: Fusarium wilt (Panama disease)
37 photos
Pathogen: Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 1

Papaya: Lasiodiplodia fruit rot
3 photos

Papaya: Pacific beetle roach feeding injury to...
3 photos

Beach naupaka (Scaevola taccada): Fasciation
10 photos
Cause: Undetermined

Tree: Heartwood infection (fungal)
1 photo

Celery: Septoria leaf spot
2 photos

Bean sprout: Rhizoctonia girdle
1 photo

Pineapple: Heart rot
2 photos

Banana: Maturity bronzing
2 photos

2 photos

Coccus viridis (Green scale)
2 photos, 1 video

Edible fig: Birds feeding injury to fruit
1 photo

Banana: Mechanical bruising injury to fruit peels
1 photo

1 video

Collembola (Springtails)
6 photos, 2 videos

Hibiscus: Root rot
3 photos

Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis): Whiteflies
3 photos

Polyscias filicifolia: Whiteflies
7 photos

Butt rot of pineapple crowns
7 photos

Hover fly
4 photos, 4 videos

Corn: Ants tended by aphids on leaf
2 photos

Ghost ants (Tapinoma melanocephalum)
2 photos

Corn: Southern rust (Puccinia polysora)
17 photos

Ficus rubiginosa: Termite injury
8 photos

Pseuderanthemum: Aphids
2 photos

Tomato: Root knot
49 photos, 4 videos

Pineapple black rot (Pathogen: Chalara paradoxa)
14 photos

Eucalyptus: Sem galls
3 photos

Costus sp: Leaf spot
3 photos

Dark butt bruchid
2 photos

3 photos

2 photos

The Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)
1 photo

Grapefruit: Penicillium rot
5 photos

Water lily: Leaf spot
2 photos

Dragonfruit: Mealybugs
2 photos

Acacia confusa: Basal stem rot and vascular...
19 photos

Squash: Slug feeding injury
3 photos

Citrus: The Mediterranean scale
6 photos
The Mediterranean scale, sometimes called the "black parlatoria scale," (Parlatoria ziziphi (Lucas)) HEMIPTERA: Sternorrhyncha: Diaspididae This scale has a somewhat distinct,...

Crown gall
31 photos

Castor bean: Leaf miners
2 photos

Erythrina gall wasp
87 photos

Pruning wound decay
3 photos

Taro: Spiraling whitefly (Aleurodicus dispersus)
4 photos

Bird-of-paradise: Scales
7 photos

Peach: Brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola
8 photos

Tuberose: Thrips feeding injury to flowers
2 photos

Tomato: Black mold
1 photo
Pathogen: Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici

Mango: Fruit fly feeding injury
2 photos

Napa cabbage (Won bok cabbage): Bacterial soft rot
2 photos
Pathogen: Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora

Nectarine: Brown rot (Monilinia fructicola), left
5 photos

Peach: Botrytis blight of fruit
2 photos

Star jasmine mosaic
17 photos
a viral disease of Star jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum)

Ixora: Hemispherical scale (Saissetia coffeae)
3 photos

Mango: Rats feeding
5 photos

Cantaloupe: Fusarium rot
1 photo

Blackberry: Postharvest rot of fruit
1 photo

Strawberry: Postharvest rot of fruit
1 photo

Banana: Leaf rubbing injury to fruit
8 photos

Banana: Cigar-end rot
1 photo

Nototrichium sandwicense: Ants tending scale...
8 photos

Watermelon: Powdery mildew
9 photos

Hibiscus: Whiteflies
11 photos

Papaya: Pseudoparlatoria ostreata Cockerell, gray...
5 photos
This sample was a New State Record for this species in Hawaii (submitted Aug 2014)

Diptera: Nematocera: Ceratopogonidae
2 photos, 1 video

Papaya: Potassium deficiency
3 photos

Guava (Psidium guajava): Birds-feeding injury to...
4 photos

Stellate scale (Ceroplastes stellifer)
1 photo

3 photos

1 photo

Melon: Bacterial wilt (Pathogen: Erwinia...
4 photos, 1 video

Mango: Sap stain
6 photos

Breadfruit: Mucor rot
9 photos

Citrus: Scale insects
64 photos

White-footed ant (Technomyrmex albipes)
27 photos

Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. reticulatum:...
5 photos
Pathogen: Phyllosticta sp. (fungus)

Papaya: Rats feeding injury to fruit
49 photos

3 photos

Areca palm: Mealybugs
1 photo

Noni (Morinda citrifolia): Frog-eye leaf spot
9 photos, 1 video

Rhizopus rot of Couroupita guianensis
9 photos
Cannonnball tree

Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonica): Scale
4 photos

Stem bleeding of coconut palm
6 photos

Mountain naupaka: Alternaria leaf spot
8 photos

Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia): Botrytis...
4 photos
Pathogen: Botrytis cinerea

Noni (Morinda citrifolia): Stem blight
23 photos
Pathogen: Sclerotium rolfsii (fungus)

Westringia: Root-knot nematodes
1 photo

Ficus carica: Gray mold (stem blight)
7 photos
Pathogen: Botrytis cinerea (fungus)

Japanese pittosporum: Ants and aphids
4 photos

Taro (Colocasia esculenta): Southern blight
1 photo
Pathogen: Sclerotium rolfsii (fungus)

Noni (Morinda citrifolia): Root knot
48 photos
Pathogens: Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)

Beach naupaka (Scaevola taccada): Bunchy top
7 photos

Carmona retusa (Fukien tea, Philippine tea):...
1 photo

Eggplant: Paracercospora leaf spot
4 photos

Spider lily: Mealybugs
6 photos

Banana: Alligator skin
2 photos

Calotropis gigantea (crown flower): Leafminers
7 photos

Potato (Solanum tuberosum): Silver scurf
2 photos

Agave: Mealybugs
7 photos

Hydrosis (water soaking)
19 photos

Aloe vera: Anthracnose
5 photos
Pathogen: Colletotrichum sp.

Taro: Ghost spot
17 photos
Pathogen: Cladosporium colocasiae (fungus)

Gygis alba
7 photos
white fairy tern; Manu-o-Kū

Mango: Crown gall
3 photos

Catharanthus roseus: Powdery mildew
1 photo

Banana: Corm weevil
23 photos

Banana: Glyphosate herbicide injury
11 photos

Banana: Bunchy top symptom
295 photos
Pathogen: Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)

Banana: Morse code
29 photos
A symptom of Banana bunchy top caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)

Banana: Mottled petiole and leaf sheath
34 photos
A symptom of banana bunchy top caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)

Banana: Rat feeding injury
28 photos

Veronicella cubensis
4 photos

Taro: Bacterial soft rot
1 photo

Banana: Corm weevils
13 photos

Banana: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
19 photos

Banana mealybugs
14 photos

Banana bunchy top: Mottled petioles and leaf...
67 photos

Banana: Sooty mold, sooty blotch
26 photos

Banana: Lightning strike injury
31 photos

Breadfruit: Sap stain
5 photos

Ixora: Aphids
6 photos

2 photos

Canna lily: Bagworm moth larvae feeding injury
16 photos

1 photo

Cacao: Black pod rot
134 photos
Pathogen: Phytophthora palmivora

Cabbage looper
1 photo

Sporangia (Phytophthora)
2 photos
From humidity chamber, incubated for 21 hours at room temperature

Watermelon: Fruit fly injury
1 photo

Sea sponges
5 photos

Banana: Sap stain
2 photos

Cabbage: Black rot
25 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) (bacterium)

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
13 photos

Eggplant: Phomopsis blight
7 photos

Banana: Sooty blotch, sooty mold
11 photos

Fusarium blight of a succulent
1 photo

Mango: Bacterial black spot
51 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferae

Pandanus: Whiteflies
3 photos

Irrigation problems
1 photo

Eggplant: Aphids
5 photos

Cactus: Carving injury to stems
1 photo

Pomelo: Mites feeding injury
2 photos

Jackson's chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii)
4 photos

Okra: Aphids
12 photos

Mango: Bird feeding injury
7 photos

Evolvulus glomeratus (blue daze, evolvulus):...
1 photo

Erythrina berteroana: Powdery mildew
22 photos

3 photos

Echeveria sp.: Powdery mildew
12 photos
Pathogen: Erysiphe sedi

Coconut: Scales
7 photos

Banana: Marasmiellus rot of pseudostem
22 photos

19 photos

3 photos

West Indian flatid planthopper (Melormenis...
10 photos

Yam: Anthracnose
2 photos
Photographs taken on the island of Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia

Cacao: Ants and mealybugs
12 photos

Banana: Whiteflies
2 photos

Travelers palm: Boron deficiency
9 photos

Gold Tree, Primavera (Roseodendron...
2 photos

Papaya: White peach scale (Pseudaulacaspis...
23 photos

Lagerstroemia indica (Crape myrtle): Powdery...
3 photos

Plumeria: Mealybugs
2 photos

Phallus rubicundus
8 photos

Pleiospilos nelii (split rock): Fusarium
5 photos

Tomato: Leafminers
2 photos

1 photo

9 photos, 3 videos

Tomato: Fruit cracks
2 photos

Coconut: Eriophyid mites, feeding injury
13 photos

Plumeria: Fasciation
2 photos

Banana: Thrips feeding injury to fruit
30 photos

Pig damage to banana plants
21 photos

Peach: Gray mold
1 photo
Pathogen: Botrytis cinerea

Hawaiian monk seals
8 photos, 3 videos

Tahitian gardenia (Gardenia taitensis): Aphids
15 photos

Hibiscus: Aphids
63 photos, 5 videos

Dracaena marginata (Money tree): Mealybugs
3 photos

Hibiscus: Erineum mites
71 photos

Yam: Fungal rot of tubers post-harvest
1 photo

Plumeria: Whiteflies
17 photos

Lantana: Leaf miners
7 photos

Banana: Scale
10 photos

3 photos

Banana: Mealybugs
7 photos

Sap stain
11 photos

Plumeria: Spider mites feeding injury
10 photos

Azalea gall
1 photo

Mealybug destroyer
12 photos, 4 videos

Banana: Calcium deficiency
8 photos

2 photos

Rose: Scale
1 photo

Philodendron: Hydrosis
10 photos
Prob. Bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris

Pakchoi: Aphids
3 photos

Corn: Chinese rose beetle
7 photos

Rosemary: Spittlebugs
4 photos

Taro: Spider mites
25 photos, 1 video

Sweetpotato: Black rot
9 photos

Avocado: Potassium (K) deficiency
8 photos
Symptom: Marginal leaf scorch, starting on older leaves

Vitex rotundifolia: Spittle bugs
4 photos

Lantana: Leaf spot
2 photos
Pathogen: Unidentified

Oriental flower beetle
4 photos
Oriental flower beetles (Protaetia orientalis)

Snow scale on papaya
16 photos

Kalanchoe pinnata: Leaf spot
5 photos

Anthurium blight
10 photos

Humans as plant pests
4 photos

Japanese pittsporum: Scale insects
8 photos
Host: Pittosporum tobira

Hawaiian sea turtles
8 photos

1 photo

Leucocoprinus birnbaumii (?)
3 photos

Banana: Fused fingers
4 photos

PEPS 405
91 photos
A brief review of some symptoms and signs of possible plant health problems

Celery: Alternaria blight
1 photo

Drone photos
14 photos, 2 videos

Flea beetles
4 photos

Brown anole
2 photos

Euphorbia cyathophora: Powdery mildew
2 photos

Pacific beetle roach
32 photos, 3 videos
Pacific beetle cockroach (Diploptera punctata)

Eggplant: Spider mites injury (stippling)
8 photos

1 photo

Banana: Cucumber mosaic
12 photos
Pathogen: Cucumber mosaic virus | Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-101.pdf

Gardenia volkensii
3 photos

Mizuna: White rust
2 photos

Scleorotium rolfsii on taro
2 photos
Disease name: Southern blight

Wedelia: Powdery mildew
2 photos

Kale: Black rot
3 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (bacterium)

Mock orange: Powdery mildew
13 photos

Juniper spittlebug (Clastoptera juniperina)
2 photos

Bamboo: Scale insects on stem
1 photo

Tomato: Fusarium wilt
2 photos

Spider lily: Leaf blight
32 photos

Jatropha integerrima (Peregrina): Rust
21 photos
Pathogen: Phakopsora jatrophicola | Location: Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

Kale: Powdery mildew
1 photo

Anguina agrostis
1 photo
A plant-parasitic nematode. A host is annual ryegrass.

1 photo

Hibiscus clayi: Powdery mildew
10 photos

Banana: Multiple bunches
1 photo

Sugarcane mosaic
8 photos
Pathogen: Possibly Sugarcane mosaic virus

12 photos
Orobanche sp. (possibly Orobanche cernua)

Hemispherical scales
5 photos

Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB)
33 photos

Cycad: Mealybugs
2 photos

Lily: Leaf mosaic
8 photos

Latex exudate
22 photos

Papaya: Stem-end rot
2 photos

Bougainvillea looper
4 photos

Strawberry: Prob. iron (Fe) deficiency
2 photos

Eggplant: Mealybugs
2 photos

Myrtle rust
29 photos
Hosts: Many species in the Myrtaceae | Pathogen: Puccinia psidii (fungus)

Plantago major: Cercospora leaf spot
3 photos
Pathogen: Cercospora beticola

Cabbage white: Larval feeding injury to crucifer
10 photos
Pieris rapae

Rosemary: Powdery mildew
4 photos

Platanus sp.: Stem rot
6 photos

Spatial aggregation (clusters)
2 photos

Sunflower: Blotch miners
17 photos

Paperbark: Myrtle rust
11 photos
Melaleuca quinquenervia (Paperbark)

Hale berry: Scale insects
3 photos
Host: Dianella sandwicensis

Annona muricata: Mealybugs and ants
18 photos

Meyer lemon: Scale insects
1 photo

Slug feeding on sooty mold
1 photo

Euphorbia [Chamaesyce] hypericifolia (Graceful...
13 photos

Youngia japonica: Rust
8 photos
Asiatic hawksbeard (common name of plant) | Pathogen: Prob. Puccinia sp.

Croton: Mealybugs
9 photos

Aloe vera: Leaf spots and blight
4 photos
Cause: Undetermined

Broccoli: Leaf spot
2 photos
Pathogen: Prob. Alternaria sp.

Aster: Powdery mildew
4 photos

Pandanus: Scale insects
2 photos

Sow thistle: Powdery mildew
6 photos

Russian kale: Psyllids
1 photo

Cordyline terminalis: Ringspots on leaves
15 photos
Pathogen: Ti ringspot virus

Russian kale: Aphids
2 photos
Host: Brassica oleracea Acephala Group

Broccoli: Black rot
6 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (bacterium)

Phosphorous deficiency
7 photos

Foot traffic injury to plants
3 photos

Hong kong orchid: Persea mites
26 photos

Water lettuce: leaf blight
13 photos
Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)

Bougainvillea: Leaf spot
22 photos
Pathogen: Passalora bougainvillea

Red gum lerp psyllids on Eucalyptus
4 photos
Red Gum Lerp Psyllid (Glycaspis brimblecombei) | Read: hdoa.hawaii.gov/pi/files/2013/01/npa01-02_rpsyllid.pdf

Naupaka: Ringspots
39 photos
Cause: Undetermined

Avocado: Mites feeding injury
2 photos
Symptom: Bronzing

Kalanchoe: Powdery mildew
2 photos

Kalanchoe: Anthracnose
12 photos
Kalanchoe prob. thyrsiflora

Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle):...
40 photos
Pathogen: Botrytis cinerea

Powdery mildew of Oxalis corniculata
3 photos

Powdery mildew of begonia
4 photos
Pathogen: Oidium begoniae

Morel mushrooms
9 photos

Powdery mildew of ivy
4 photos

Euglandia rosea
3 photos
Euglandina rosea, the "rosy wolfsnail" or the "cannibal snail"

Onion: Thrips feeding injury
2 photos

Goji berry: Powdery mildew
15 photos
Lycium chinense (Goji Berry)

Black rot of crucifers
34 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc)

Blood lily: Ringspots and mosaic
10 photos
Pathogen: As yet undertermined

Psyllid injury to Metrosideros polymorpha
3 photos

Conocephalus saltator: The long horned grasshopper
1 photo

Pseudocercospora nandinae on heavenly bamboo...
2 photos

Leaf spot of sago palm
4 photos
Pathogen: Pestalotia sp.

Veronicella cubensis
4 photos

Botrytis blight of hibiscus flower
1 photo
Pathogen: Botrytis prob. hibiscus

Cigar end rot of banana
1 photo

Carving injury
1 photo

Taro delphacids
11 photos

Corn earworm
8 photos
Helicoverpa zea

Powdery mildew of pumpkin
12 photos
Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-98.pdf

Fig mosaic
25 photos
Pathogen: Fig mosaic virus

Mealybugs on cactus
1 photo
Prickly pear

Root "choking" a tree stem
1 photo

Cucurbit powdery mildew
112 photos

Kava whiteflies
1 photo

Powdery mildew of eggplant
22 photos
Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-98.pdf

Eriophyid mites
22 photos

Corn leahopper
21 photos
Peregrinus maidis

Scales on orange fruit
15 photos

White rust of radish
3 photos
Pathogen: Albugo candida | Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-94.pdf

Leafhopper burn of green ti
19 photos
Host: Cordyline fruticosa (green ti)

Sweetpotato: Thrips feeding injury
5 photos

Kava: Shot hole
25 photos
Pathogen: Phoma sp.

Tahitian taro: Mosaic
5 photos
Poss. Dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV)

3 photos
Salsola tragus

Chive rust
5 photos
Pathogen: Prob. Puccinia allii

10 photos

Mealybugs on hibiscus
62 photos, 1 video

Okra: Pseudocercospora abelmoschi (leaf spot)
1 photo

Platanus: Prob. Bark beetle injury
4 photos

Papaya scales
72 photos

Cactus bug
3 photos
Chelinidea vittiger aequoris

Peach leaf curl
2 photos
Pathogen: Taphrina deformans (fungus)

Giant whitelfy
13 photos
Aleurodicus dugesii

Pitaya (Dragon fruit): Fruit fly injury
2 photos

Black Witch Moth (Ascalapha odorata)
1 photo

Scales on orchid
4 photos

Peanut rust
12 photos
Pathogen: Prob. Puccinia arachidis

Bird's nest fungi
5 photos

Colletotrichum musae
14 photos
Photographs by www.aphotofungi.com | Colletotricum musae is the pathogen that causes anthracnose of bananas (Musa spp.). | Depilcted here are sporulating acervuli of Colletotrichum musae (plant...

Rust of nutsedge
3 photos

Fungal rot of red mombin
16 photos
Red mombin (Spondias purpurea) | Pathogen: Unidentified/undetermined

Ironwood decline in Guam
23 photos
Host: Casuarina equisetifolia (ironwood) | Pathogen: Ganoderma spp.

Frankia and nodulation
1 photo

Charcoal injury to trees
15 photos

Lobate lac scale
19 photos
Paratachardina pseudolobata

Aphid lions
3 photos

Pikake: Fasciation, Phyllody, Virescence,...
10 photos
Pikake (Jasminum sambac) | Cause: Undetermined

11 photos

Root knot of Acacia koa
2 photos
Pathogen: Meloidogyne sp.

2 photos
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria infecting roots of legumes

71 photos
Virescence is the abnormal development of green pigmentation in plant parts that are not normally green, like shoots or flowers (in which case it is known as floral virescence).

72 photos
Phyllody is the abnormal development of floral parts into leafy structures.

Emilia sonchifolia: Rust
22 photos

Dollar spot
4 photos
Host: Bermuda grass | Pathogen: Prob. Sclerotinia homoeocarpa

Daylily rust
21 photos
Pathogen: Puccinia hemerocallidis

Rusts (unclassified)
1 photo

Plumeria stem borer
9 photos
Plumeria Stem Borer (Lagocheirus undatus)

Sweet basil: Pseudocercospora leaf spot
15 photos
Host: Ocimum basilicum | Pathogen: Pseudocercospora ocimi-basilici

Daisy (?): Ringspots
6 photos
Cause: Unknown

Winter melon (Benincasa hispida): Powdery mildew
5 photos

Praying mantis
4 photos

Weed-whacker (string trimmer) injury
4 photos
Symptoms: Basal stem girdling, dieback, plant mortality

Taro: Potassium deficiency
3 photos
Taro (Colocasia esculenta)

Sugarcane: Iron (Fe) deficiency
2 photos

Hydraulic fluid injury
4 photos
Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass)

Coconut: Whiteflies (Aleurotrachelus atratus)
5 photos

33 photos

Asian pear pests
13 photos

2 photos

Dieback of protea
3 photos

3 photos

Syngonium auritum: Bacterial leaf blight
16 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas sp.

Bagworm moth
23 photos

7 photos

Gramoxone herbicide injury to banana
1 photo

Downy mildew of collards
2 photos
Pathogen: Peronospora parasitica

Tomato anthracnose
3 photos
Pathogen: Colletotrichum coccodes

White clover: Sooty blotch
1 photo
Host: Trifolium repens | Pathogen: Polythrincium trifolii

White clover: Bacterial leaf spot
2 photos
Host: Trifolium repens | Pathogen: Pseudomonas andropogonis

White clover: Stagonospora leaf spot
2 photos
Host: Trifolium repens | Pathogen: Stagonospora meliloti

Boars and wild pigs
25 photos

Macadamia quick decline
5 photos
Macadamia integrifolia

Brown patch (Prob.)
2 photos
Host: Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) | Pathogen: Rhizoctonia solani

Japanese pittosporum: Cercospora leaf spot
28 photos
Host: Pittosporum tobira | Pathogen: Cercospora pittospori

Poss. Medicago lupulina: Powdery mildew
14 photos

Rhizoctonia root rot
4 photos

Pandanus: Mealybugs
8 photos

Passion fruit anthracnose
1 photo

Climbing spikes injury to coconut stems
12 photos

Papaya mealybug
1 photo
Paracoccus marginatus

Downy mildew of sweet basil
31 photos, 1 video
Host: Ocimum basilicum | Pathogen: Peronospora belbahrii

Cuscuta sandwichiana
133 photos
Kauanoa, a dodder (parasitic seed plant) endemic to Hawaii

270 photos
Dodders are plant-parasitic seed plants

Capenter bee
11 photos
Xylocopa sonorina

Grape: Gall mites
1 photo

Grape anthracnose
1 photo
Pathogen: Prob. Elsinoë ampelina

Grape powdery mildew
1 photo
Pathogen: Erysiphe necator

Bamboo spider mite
9 photos
Schizotetranychus (Stigmaeopsis) celarius

Lilac: Powdery mildew
4 photos
Host: Syringa sp. | Pathogen: Prob. Microsphaera alni

Gummy stem blight
3 photos
Pathogen: Didymella bryoniae (fungus)

Hibiscus rust
7 photos
Pathogen: Kuehneola malvicola

Mallow rust
1 photo
Host: Mlava neglecta (common mallow) | Pathogen: Puccinia malvacearum

Late blight of potato
1 photo
Pathogen: Phytophthora infestans

Phytophthora stem blight of citrus
10 photos

Coconut heart rot
6 photos
Pathogen: Phytophthora katsurae

Squash: Powdery mildew
43 photos

Chinese banyan stem gall wasp
4 photos

Greenhouse orthezia
4 photos
Insignorthezia insignis

Rust of Sudex
6 photos
Sudex = (sorghum x Sudan grass) hybrid

Dandelion: Powdery mildew
2 photos

Powdery mildew of long bean
67 photos
Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-98.pdf

Cercospora leaf spot of Plantago major
2 photos
Other hosts for this pathogen (Cercospora beticola) include sugar beet and chard.

Bacterial leaf spot of pepper
3 photos
Pathogen: Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria

Frog-eye leaf spot of noni
16 photos
Pathogen: Phyllosticta morindae | sexual stage: Guignardia morindae) | Host: Morinda citrifolia

Powdery mildew of poinsettia
17 photos

Spiraling whitefly
29 photos
Aleurodicus dispersus

44 photos

Algae, not plant-parasitic
10 photos

Oleander aphids
37 photos
Aphis nerii

Leaf shredding
2 photos

Wind damage
31 photos

Ripening problems
8 photos

Assassin bugs
3 photos

Banana scab moth
2 photos

Spider mites injury to tomato
7 photos

Senescent spots, banana
13 photos

Powdery mildew of sunflower
25 photos

Okra powdery mildew
30 photos
Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-98.pdf

Septoria leaf spot of Cornus alba
3 photos
Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' IVORY HALO

Banana ripening problems
3 photos

Tan spot of lima bean
4 photos
Pathogen: Phoma exigua var. exigua (now Boeremia exigua)

Burrowing nematode
12 photos, 1 video
Radopholus simlis

Kava dieback
33 photos
Pathogen: Cucumber mosaic virus | Read: www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-18.pdf

Toppling of banana
20 photos

Passionfruit: Cucumber mosaic virus
22 photos
Passiflora edulis

Zucchini: Powdery mildew
40 photos

Zinnia: Cucumber mosaic virus
15 photos

Brown citrus aphid
5 photos
Toxoptera citricida

Tomato/tobacco hornworm
1 photo
Manduca sexta

Citrus: Spider mites
20 photos

Citrus leafminer
16 photos
Phyllocnistis citrella | Read: hdoa.hawaii.gov/pi/files/2013/01/npa00-01-climiner2.pdf

Pumpkin/squash anthracnose
12 photos

Birds as plant pests
94 photos