Tags: danger skull
Living in a peaceful new world.
because i love these pictures so much this afternoon at my doorstep i almost turned Jehova .. it was just that ms punk returned with some fresh raw herring and a jar of jenever that i withdrew
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Tags: Jehova's Getuigen Jehovah's Witnesses screenpunk
I found this freecard after i posted Radio Mars and thought .. all what is missing is a good old fashioned war plane.
Anyway. The design is from OBEY, the same toko that delivered HOPE in Amsterdam (on the freecards of Boomerang).
wonder what it means
Tags: war is over obey obeypropaganda warplane red sovjetart kremlin birds sky destruction propaganda black airplane spotlights vultures wonder means meaning what if then
Right now there are two freecards circulating in Amsterdam that concern the US presidential elections 2008. One promotes Obama, the other one demotes Bush. There is no card with McCain. When i shared that observation with somebody who took the Obama card out of a rack, he replied: who wants McCain on a postcard, he is ugly. This of course is a judgment of taste, not politics.
The Obama card comes from www.obeygiant.com. The Bush card can be ordered on canvas on www.elmiro.nl.
Tags: bush loser total fuck up george w. bush president former president axis of evil evil