My third attempt as a National Geographic Wannabe: chickenlegs.
I admit there's a lot of smoke coming from the BBQ, but thats because my father in law is an expert in BBQing with a gas fuelled grill. Now he had to fire the coal he dumped all the aanmaakblokjes on it expecting a lot of flames, but getting a lot of smoke instead.
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Tags: chickenlegs BBQ smoke fire coal Le Château des Bisons Ardennen Les Ardennes België Belgium Wallonië Wallone summer holiday july 2008 travel trip vacation europe mokum screenpunk
At 'our' castle in Les Ardennes they keep dogs for hunting, 45 of them. Every dog eats a kilo of meat per day and they drop their droppings in the cage and barn that was to the site. It smelled like hell over there.
When i approached them they started barking like i was from hell. The owner came out and slung a giant whip and they all fell quiet instantly.
I wanted this picture to be a kind of action shot suggesting the dogs starting game, but i guess the fence and woodpile got in the way. Still i consider the shot a first step in my career as a real National Geographic Wannabee.
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Tags: Le Château des Bisons Ardennen Les Ardennes België Belgium Wallonië Wallone summer holiday july 2008 travel trip vacation europe mokum screenpunk
In Les Ardennes miss Screenpunk engaged tout suite in arrowshooting and other activitities the somewhat medievel Wallonians use to earn a living.
And dont make jokes now on miss Screenpunk using two shooting boards so she cant miss target !
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Tags: Le Château des Bisons Ardennen Les Ardennes België Belgium Wallonië Wallone summer holiday july 2008 travel trip vacation europe mokum screenpunk pijl boog boogschieten richten doel target
In Les Ardennes we stayed in a castle - or better - in a wing of a castle. Le château des bisons. The place is for rent.
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Tags: Le Château des Bisons Ardennen Les Ardennes België Belgium Wallonië Wallone summer holiday july 2008 travel trip vacation europe mokum screenpunk