This weekend we had our biannual family meeting in Brugge, Belgium. The main issue was - if there was one - how we can assure long term assets to the family business.
Cousin F. start talking about new media. And cousine K. got interested in my professional silhouette cutter and was thinking maybe we can all join up here.
She immediately jumped into position to show she has modelling qualities in the silhouette range. I do not disagree, but next session she should get rid of the bag.
Tags: Brugge Belgium business model mokum screenpunk belgie
The City of Amsterdam is building the Noord Zuidlijn, an underground traject that should connect the North and South part of the city. Last wednesday there came a hole in the constructionwall at the buildingsite of station Vijzelgracht, groundwater leaked in and six 17th century houses sunk in the ground. The people who live there were not allowed to go in their houses anymore. The media jumped on it and controversy on the building of the metro heated up.
Yesterday Nixus and me went to scenery to take a look. As always we discussed photography and imaginery in the modern mediascape. According to Nixus photography is gonne be more personalized by photographers to make their specific mark. We discused it over and we came to the conclussion there may be something to it, there may be not. Anyway here's my personalized photomark of The Sinking of de Vijzelgracht.
Tags: Vijzelgracht Weteringcircuit Noordzuidlijn metro underground construction media photography mediascape journalism drama personalization Amsterdam Holland The Netherlands Nederland government city council controversy errors mokum screenpunk
just a sliding with the silhouettes
Tags: resonator dobro brothers silhouettes stencils mokum screenpunk
Ha, my ambition as a National Geographic Wannabee pays off. As the expedition ship Endeavour was in the port of Amsterdam this week, National Geographic gave me a call and provided me with a Noah like photo oppurtunity. I am very grateful and i hope National Geographic will let me sail with them as a photographer on their next arctic adventure.
Tags: port of Amsterdam animals expedition ship National Geographic goose ant cochroach giraffe eagle bear bull cat crocodile snail mouse flamingoes toad photographer in action frame dug porkupine mokum screenpunk
Tags: mokum screenpunk