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User / Seattle Municipal Archives / Sets
Seattle Municipal Archives / 38 items

Please help us identify these people
280 photos
This album includes photos with unidentified people. If you know any names, please leave them in the comments!

Pike Place Market
147 photos
See our online exhibit for a history of the market.

Cabinet of Curiosities
222 photos
Various items tucked away in the SMA collections

Seattle's Waterfront
108 photos, 2 videos

189 photos
Planes, trains, and automobiles - plus streetcars, ferries, monorails, and other local modes of transportation over the years.

Century 21 & Seattle Center
178 photos, 1 video
Images from the 1962 World's Fair, as well as the post-fair Seattle Center. See our bibliography for a list of SMA materials relating to the fair.

Seattle at Work
439 photos
Making a living in Seattle

Seattle at Play
248 photos
Sports and other pursuits

Skylines and City Views
130 photos

105 photos, 1 video

93 photos, 2 videos

Alternate Realities
34 photos
Things that might have been

Seattle Postcards
93 photos
Historic views of the Emerald City

Seattle Dwellings
120 photos

70 photos
This set highlights some fun and unique maps in our holdings. See our searchable database for a fuller representation of our map collection.

25 photos

Parks & Rec
168 photos, 2 videos

Fairs, Festivals, and Parades
172 photos

200 photos
Scenes from Seattle's central business district

Faces of Seattle
297 photos
Some faces of our city

48 photos
Scenes from Seattle's giant earth-moving projects

Lost Seattle
78 photos
Things that are no longer with us

City Light Publications and Advertising
64 photos
Brochures, pamphlets, and ephemera distributed by Seattle's electric utility.

In the Neighborhood
402 photos
Scenes around Seattle

Pioneer Square
79 photos
Scenes from Seattle's oldest neighborhood

Elections and Political Campaigns
69 photos, 1 video
See our website for historical election results, lists of elected and appointed city officials throughout the city's history, and ballot initiatives since 1910.

62 videos
Short clips from our motion picture collection. Check out our YouTube channel for full versions.

Out of the City
78 photos
Scenes from outside Seattle

Dining Out
137 photos
Eating and drinking in Seattle

Seattle Scenes
306 photos
Views, landmarks, and slices of life

66 photos
Landslides, fires, earthquakes, floods, and other calamities

Annals of Commerce
57 photos
Vintage advertising and catalogs

Seattle's Public Health
44 photos
Hospitals and health care in the city

The Great Outdoors
102 photos
Natural wonders in Seattle and surrounding areas

Out on the Town
55 photos
How Seattleites occupied themselves on a Saturday night

On Stage
106 photos
Performing arts in Seattle

Under Construction
66 photos
The building of Seattle-area landmarks and infrastructure

Sails and Trails Club
28 photos, 1 video
The Seattle Parks Department's Sails and Trails Club, formed in 1929 by Pearl Powell, offered women over 18 an opportunity to participate in low-cost recreational outings, including hiking, boat...