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User / seier+seier / arne jacobsen, aarhus town hall 1937-1942
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aarhus town hall, aarhus, denmark, 1937-1942.
architects: arne jacobsen, 1902-1971, with erik møller, 1909-2002.

after having won the 1937 competition, jacobsen and møller were told to make the project more monumental or go home to copenhagen.

they added the grey marble cladding and a bell tower which remains one of the finest towers in denmark.

you can see how aware jacobsen was of developments in italian architecture at the time. like asplund, jacobsen found a special meaning in the work done to reconcile classicism and modernism in italy and it could be argued that it became the central theme of his career as an architect.

the use of natural stone - and in particular the grey marble from porsgrunn in norway - was to be another recurring feature. notice how jacobsen uses the stone to express solidity and weight in the core of the tower only to reveal the thinness of the marble cladding in the clock face.

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  • Views: 43400
  • Comments: 6
  • Favorites: 24
  • Taken: Aug 22, 2008
  • Uploaded: Aug 22, 2008
  • Updated: Apr 19, 2019