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User / seier+seier / Sets / venedig november 2006
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N 2 B 4.2K C 0 E Nov 1, 2006 F Jan 8, 2007
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early renaissance architecture in venice.

Scuola Grande di San Marco in the Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo,
architects: Pietro Lombardo and Mauro Codussi 1485

Tags:   venedig venezia venice renaissance arkitektur architecture incrustation arquitectura Architektur arquitetura Architettura Architectuur marble marmor facade building gebäude haus gebouw bouw bygning batiment maison edificio huis casa seier+seier creative commons CC

N 8 B 12.8K C 2 E Nov 1, 2006 F Jan 8, 2007
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early renaissance architecture in venice.

Santa Maria dei Miracoli 1481-1489, architect: Pietro Lombardo

"the most interesting and finished example in venice of the byzantine renaissance, and one of the most important in italy of the cinquecento style", john ruskin, stones of venice

Tags:   venice venedig venezia renaissance architecture church ciesa incrustation john ruskin john ruskin cinquecento arquitectura building gebäude haus gebouw bouw bygning batiment maison edificio huis casa christian kirke chiesa eglise kristen

N 0 B 3.6K C 0 E Nov 1, 2006 F Jan 8, 2007
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early renaissance architecture in venice. miracoli seemes such an apt name for this little magic box of a building

Santa Maria dei Miracoli 1481-1489, architect: Pietro Lombardo

Tags:   venice venedig venezia renaissance architecture church incrustation arquitectura building gebäude haus gebouw bouw bygning batiment maison edificio huis casa christian kirke chiesa eglise kristen

N 3 B 5.2K C 0 E Nov 1, 2006 F Jan 8, 2007
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early renaissance architecture in venice.
palazzo dario, c.1487, attributed to Pietro Lombardo

Tags:   venice venedig venezia renaissance architecture incrustation arquitectura building gebäude haus gebouw bouw bygning batiment maison edificio huis casa pietro lombardo architect

N 0 B 4.1K C 0 E Nov 1, 2006 F Jan 8, 2007
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early renaissance architecture in venice.

SS. Giovanni e Paolo, entrance: renaissance details on a pointed arch.

says ruskin, "the western door is interesting as one of the last conditions of gothic design passing into renaissance, very rich and beautiful of its kind, especially the wreath of fruit and flowers which forms its principal moulding".

the six greek marble columns are spolia from nearby torcello and related to these beauties: www.flickr.com/photos/seier/512712909/.

Tags:   venice venedig venezia renaissance architecture gothic door entrance john ruskin john ruskin arquitectura marble column building gebäude gebouw bouw bygning batiment edificio seier+seier creative commons CC
