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User / seier+seier / Sets / hugo häring, architect
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N 12 B 16.6K C 4 E May 18, 2008 F May 25, 2008
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cowshed, gut garkau farm, germany, 1923-1926.
architect: hugo häring, 1882-1958.

a modernist profile drawn along the plan of an aalto vase; local materials framed by an elaborate concrete skeleton construction - häring's vision of the future of architecture.

Tags:   hugo häring hugo haring häring haring haering hugo organic architecture architect gut garkau ring the ring der ring berlin germany tyskland modernism modernist modern architektur bygning house gebäude haus gebouw bouw batiment maison edificio huis casa Arquitectura arquitetura Architectuur Architettura farm lubeck schleswig holstein slesvig holsten deutschland seier+seier creative commons CC

N 27 B 36.1K C 6 E May 18, 2008 F May 25, 2008
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cowshed, gut garkau farm, germany, 1923-1926.
architect: hugo häring, 1882-1958.

the metal flashing is from the 1970's when the buildings were rescued from demolition. you can still see the original detailing in the tower.

this photo was uploaded with a CC license and may be used free of charge and in any way you see fit.
if possible, please name photographer "SEIER+SEIER". if not, don't.

the hugo häring set so far.

Tags:   hugo häring hugo haring häring haring haering hugo organic architecture architect gut garkau ring the ring der ring berlin germany tyskland modernism modernist modern architektur bygning house gebäude haus gebouw bouw batiment maison edificio huis casa Arquitectura arquitetura Architectuur Architettura farm lubeck schleswig holstein slesvig holsten deutschland seier+seier creative commons CC

N 13 B 15.5K C 0 E May 18, 2008 F Jun 1, 2008
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cowshed interior, gut garkau farm, germany, 1923-1926.
architect: hugo häring, 1882-1958.

this photo was uploaded with a CC license and may be used free of charge and in any way you see fit.
if possible, please name photographer "SEIER+SEIER". if not, don't.

Tags:   hugo häring hugo haring häring haring haering hugo organic architecture architect gut garkau ring the ring der ring berlin germany tyskland modernism modernist modern interior expressionism architektur bygning house gebäude haus gebouw bouw batiment maison edificio huis casa Arquitectura arquitetura Architectuur Architettura deutschland seier+seier creative commons CC

N 6 B 18.8K C 4 E May 18, 2008 F May 26, 2008
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cowshed interior, gut garkau farm, germany, 1923-1926.
architect: hugo häring, 1882-1958.

the ground floor had been ruined since it went out of use in the 1970's (it served as a pigsty for a few years - not good) but we found a dark staircase leading to the hayloft above and it appeared untouched since it was built.

with its concrete skeleton construction and undulating floor and ceiling, it looked like one of the 1920's church fantasies by fellow ring member otto bartning.

this photo was uploaded with a CC license and may be used free of charge and in any way you see fit.
if possible, please name photographer "SEIER+SEIER". if not, don't.

the hugo häring set so far.

Tags:   hugo häring hugo haring häring haring haering hugo organic architecture architect gut garkau ring the ring der ring berlin germany tyskland modernism modernist modern interior expressionism architektur house gebäude Arquitectura arquitetura Architectuur Architettura deutschland seier+seier creative commons CC

N 2 B 10.3K C 0 E May 18, 2008 F Jun 1, 2008
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barn, gut garkau farm, germany, 1923-1926.
architect: hugo häring, 1882-1958.

Tags:   hugo häring hugo haring häring haring haering hugo organic architecture architect gut garkau ring the ring der ring berlin germany tyskland modernism modernist modern architektur house gebäude haus gebouw bouw batiment maison edificio huis casa bygning Arquitectura arquitetura Architectuur Architettura farm barn lubeck schleswig holstein slesvig holsten deutschland seier+seier creative commons CC
