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User / seier+seier / Sets / stens hus, summerhouse of michael sten johnsen, architect
15 items

N 27 B 26.5K C 16 E Sep 29, 2008 F Oct 13, 2008
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architect's own summerhouse, denmark
architect: michael sten johnsen, b. 1938

one of my bosses built this summerhouse for himself over a period of three decades, from the seventies to the nineties, reusing existing walls and foundations of two older houses, a strategy made necessary by the extreme proximity to the sea - a zone in which all building activity is banned except for refurbishments.

as such, the house became an exercise in the incidental, in the ability to read into a given situation of constraints possibilities, poetry, order...

today, we demand entire philosophies of our star architects or diagrammatic concepts that contain the project in all its complexity like a seed - this house, rather, upholds the belief that we express our values in every single choice made by the architect, provided that every choice is based on personal observations and experience.

the full set.

Tags:   michael sten johnsen michael sten johnsen summerhouse sommerhus house hus architect arkitekt architecture arkitektur vandkunsten corner window detail denmark danmark jenskristianseier seier+seier creative commons CC

N 18 B 21.0K C 21 E Jul 30, 2013 F Dec 30, 2013
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here's hoping every one of you will have a fine 2014 - with one of my favourite photos from this year.

recycled brickwork makes for one of the finest architectural finishes, inside or out. no competition for anton's eyes, though.

more on michael sten johnsen's house here.

all rights reserved.

Tags:   michael sten johnsen michael sten johnsen summerhouse sommerhus house hus architect arkitekt architecture arkitektur vandkunsten brick window detail denmark danmark seier+seier

N 36 B 126.4K C 22 E Sep 29, 2008 F Feb 9, 2010
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a texture map made from the photos of sten's hus and its wonderful recycled brickwork. can be used as its own bump map etc. at low values.

link to full size image, 3000x2580 pixels.

sharing my homemade architectural hi-res textures - for those of you who work in 3D or photoshop. they are originally made for renderings in 3D max and tile seamlessly.

uploaded with a CC license. no attribution necessary.

the full set of architectural textures that tile seamlessly here.

Tags:   free texture seamless tileable hi-res 3D map shader material rendering recycled brick wall modern architecture architectural textures seier+seier creative commons CC

N 43 B 24.2K C 20 E Sep 29, 2008 F Oct 13, 2008
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architect's own summerhouse, denmark
architect: michael sten johnsen, b. 1938

as you have probably gathered from the number of photos, I was moved by this house. we spent the better part of a day there with plenty of time to simply enjoy the place, discovering the logic - or some of it - of its many twists and turns, the architect's gift of place-making and pondering that rare thing: the home as a personal document, almost an autobiography, of its maker.

original house, in front: 1933
first changes: 1974
final addition, at the back: 1992

the full set.

Tags:   michael sten johnsen michael sten johnsen summerhouse sommerhus house hus architect arkitekt architecture arkitektur vandkunsten recycled brickwork brick denmark danmark seier+seier creative commons CC

N 20 B 15.8K C 9 E Sep 29, 2008 F Oct 13, 2008
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architect's own summerhouse, denmark
architect: michael sten johnsen, b. 1938

reclaimed bricks and homage a lewerentz.

the full set.

Tags:   michael sten johnsen michael sten johnsen summerhouse sommerhus house hus architect arkitekt architecture arkitektur vandkunsten recycled brickwork brick window detail denmark danmark seier+seier creative commons CC
