Today. You may have noticed that today's shot is very similar to
yesterday's. In addition to wanting to put Lawrence in the spotlight of project 365, I set up this series of 15 so that I had pictures to post while I was traveling. I just got back from a long road trip to Canada - more about this tomorrow - and having the Lawrence pics to post while I was gone allowed me to continue project 365 from the road without having to produce new photos. So, while on the road, I sort of screwed up and left two very similar shots for the last two days. Although these shots are similar in subject, I believe they tell different stories, what are your thoughts?
Here is a recap of my Lawrence University subseries, entitled "The Difference".
320/365 - The Difference Part 1
321/365 - The Difference Part 2
322/365 - The Difference Part 3
323/365 - The Difference Part 4
324/365 - The Difference Part 5
325/365 - The Difference Part 6
326/365 - The Difference Part 7
327/365 - The Difference Part 8
328/365 - The Difference Part 9
329/365 - The Difference Part 10
330/365 - The Difference Part 11
331/365 - The Difference Part 12
332/365 - The Difference Part 13
333/365 - The Difference Part 14
Also, here are some bonus Lawrence shots from earlier on in project 365:
From the photoblog at
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