Metal birds
El Prat del Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain).
EnFoCa Salida Delta del Llobregat 10/03/2012
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Tags: geo:lat=41.27536537 geo:lon=2.06599295 geotagged Tamron 18-200 EnFoCa kdd GAF500 avión airplane fotógrafos photographers robado stolen Viladecans Cataluna España ESP
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Hibernated beach
El Prat del Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain).
EnFoCa Salida Delta del Llobregat 10/03/2012
La reflexión:
Tags: geo:lat=41.27509928 geo:lon=2.06599027 geotagged Tamron 18-200 EnFoCa kdd playa beach gente people b&w b/n Brighten paseando walking Viladecans Cataluna España ESP
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When the frogs grow their beards
El Prat del Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain).
EnFoCa Salida Delta del Llobregat 10/03/2012
La reflexión:
Tags: geo:lat=41.27674014 geo:lon=2.06437290 geotagged Tamron 18-200 EnFoCa kdd papelera bin 669ShadowsCyan Viladecans Cataluna España ESP
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Among the reeds
Maresma de les Filipines - Viladecans, Barcelona (Spain).
EnFoCa Salida Delta del Llobregat 10/03/2012
La reflexión:
El zampullín cuellinegro (Podiceps nigricollis) es una especie de ave podicipediforme de la familia Podicipedidae. Aparece en todos los continentes salvo Australia y la Antártida.
Es un ave común en los humedales europeos, abundando sobre todo en la Europa del este. Las poblaciones asiáticas y americanas son bastante importantes, no así las africanas, bastante reducidas. En el próximo Oriente se concentran para pasar el invierno hasta 18.600 en Turquía y cientos de miles en Irán. En América se encuentran concentraciones de 20.000 individuos en migración en Oregón, y hasta 500.000 invernantes en zonas interiores de California.
En la península Ibérica es un ave invernante, aunque existe una población reproductora estimada en más de 800 parejas como mínimo, con grandes fluctuaciones debidas a las condicones hidrológicas.
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The Black-necked Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis, known in North America as the Eared Grebe, is a member of the grebe family of water birds. It occurs on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
The Black-necked Grebe is an excellent swimmer and diver, and pursues its prey underwater, eating mostly fish as well as small crustaceans, aquatic insects and larvae. It prefers to escape danger by diving rather than flying, although it can easily rise from the water.
Like all grebes, the Black-necked Grebe nests on the water's edge, since its legs are set very far back and it cannot walk well. Usually two eggs are laid, and the striped young are sometimes carried on the adult's back.
Interestingly, the eared grebe is essentially flightless for most of the year (9 to 10 months), and serves as an example of one of the most inefficient flier among avifauna. Generally, this bird avoids flying at all costs and reserves long distance flight exclusively for migration. However, when migrating, it will travel as much as 6,000 kilometres (3,700 mi) to reach prosperous areas which are exploited by few other species.
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Tags: geo:lat=41.27885666 geo:lon=2.06368089 geotagged Tamron 18-200 EnFoCa kdd KodakEktachromeMid1970 laguna lagoon zampullín zampullín cuellinegro Podiceps nigricollis Black-necked Grebe Viladecans Cataluna España ESP
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With the ass in the air
Maresma de les Filipines - Viladecans, Barcelona (Spain).
EnFoCa Salida Delta del Llobregat 10/03/2012
La reflexión:
El ánade friso (Anas strepera) es una especie de ave anseriforme de la familia Anatidae que cría en áreas del norte y centro de Europa, Asia y la parte central de Norte América.
De color poco llamativo. El macho presenta plumaje nupcial de un tono gris parduzco, con el dorso y los flancos finamente vermiculados, el pecho está moteado por medias lunas claras y oscuras, las alas de color gris con espejuelo blanco muy conspicuo, bordeado superiormente por una franja negra y otra roja, el abdomen blanco y las coberteras de la cola son negras. La hembra posee un plumaje pardo, la cabeza grisácea, cuello y abdomen blancuzco, y sus alas son grises con espejuelo rosa.
Este ánade busca aguas dulces, a ser posible con un refugio seguro en la vegetación palustre, aunque también se le observa en marismas y estuarios de agua salobre. De carácter esquivo, se agrupa con otros anátidas, como el pato colorado, la focha y el porrón.
Se alimenta en la superficie, pudiendo incluso meter la cabeza bajo el agua. Ingiere hojas y raíces de juncos junto a otras plantas acuáticas, así como pequeños caracoles y lombrices.
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The Gadwall (Anas strepera) is a common and widespread duck of the family Anatidae.
The breeding male is patterned grey, with a black rear end, light chestnut wings, and a brilliant white speculum, obvious in flight or at rest. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage, the drake looks more like the female, but retains the male wing pattern, and is usually greyer above and has less orange on the bill.
The female is light brown, with plumage much like a female Mallard. It can be distinguished from that species by the dark orange-edged bill, smaller size, the white speculum, and white belly. Both sexes go through two moults annually, following a juvenile moult.
The Gadwall breeds in the northern areas of Europe and Asia, and central North America. In North America, its breeding range lies along the Saint Lawrence River, through the Great Lakes, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Dakotas, south to Kansas, west to California, and along coastal Pacific Canada and southern coastal Alaska. The range of this bird appears to be expanding into eastern North America. This dabbling duck is strongly migratory, and winters farther south than its breeding range, from coastal Alaska, south into Central America, and east into Idaho, Kansas, Ohio, Virginia, and then south all the way into Central America. Its conservation status is Least Concern.
The Gadwall is a bird of open wetlands, such as prairie or steppe lakes, wet grassland or marshes with dense fringing vegetation, and usually feeds by dabbling for plant food with head submerged. It nests on the ground, often some distance from water. It is not as gregarious as some dabbling ducks outside the breeding season and tends to form only small flocks. This is a fairly quiet species; the male has a hoarse whistling call, and the female has a Mallard-like quack. The young birds are fed insects at first; adults also eat some molluscs and insects during the nesting season.
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Tags: geo:lat=41.28034221 geo:lon=2.06165314 geotagged Tamron 18-200 EnFoCa kdd patos ducks ML30 ánade friso Anas strepera gadwall Viladecans Cataluna España ESP
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