ANSH127 #11 "Fish"
This is a filet of sockeye salmon (wild caught) that will be going in the smoker very soon.
Tags: scavenger11 fish salmon
ANSH127 #15 "Hot beverage"
This is a mug of darjeeling black tea on a patio table, while I am enjoying a cool day, a relief from the extremely hot days of the past few months.
Tags: scavenger15 Hot beverage tea
ANSH127 #1 "Silver or gold"
Some gold plated earrings.
Tags: scavenger1 earrings silver or gold
ANSH127 #20 "Red and/or green"
A Christmas themed pepper shaker
Tags: scavenger20 red and/or green salt and pepper shakers
ANSH127 #2 "Lights"
Christmas lights in my neighborhood.
Tags: scavenger2 lights christmas lights