Abraham Lincoln explained that if America is to die, it will be by the hands of Americans, and not some foreign power.
“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”
At the age of 28, Lincoln gave a speech in Springfield, Illinois, which the above quote is from, in response to reading the news of a black man in St. Louis who had been burned alive by a mob of white men.
Tags: Indiana Kentucky Ohio River Polaris West Point astrophotography dusk night pholtography star trails sunset
Louisville Gas & Electric's Mill Creek Station
Tags: Indiana Kentucky LG&E Louisville Gas & Electric Mill Creek Station Ohio River Polaris West Point astrophotography night pholtography power plant star trails
Tags: Kentucky Ohio River West Point clouds dusk sunset
Take 2 of my experiment: Such color and light patterns are unexpected. I like it when my camera sees what my eyes cannot. I'm on the Kentucky banks of the Ohio River looking due north to Indiana's shoreline.
What would happen if I filled the content of a photograph with both star trails on top and river boat trails on the bottom from a wilderness part of the Ohio River? I wanted to find out.
The result is that the river is completely covered with the light trails of ships passing through. If two hours over the Ohio were in the blink of an eye, this is what you'd see.
My photo spree started out without ships, then after 10:30 p.m. long barges filled with material began to slowly crawl up the river. The lights from the passing ships lit up the opposite shore of Indiana. Although I didn't notice it, my camera did. This is two hours of my camera stacking photos in intervals while looking due north on a busy Ohio River before midnight. The large ships slowly went up and down the Ohio River coming from or going to the bright lights of Louisville to the east.
From now on, if someone describes the Ohio River as a super highway of a waterway, I will nod my head.
This was a less humid night, which made it possible for me to take photos of the Ohio at night for longer periods of time. I wanted solid star trails, which I didn’t quite get last time. I got it, and more!
I think next time I'll forget the stars and just focus on the river of colorful ship light trails. It may turn out chaotic, but I'd like to try. Maybe use it as a leading line.
Tags: Indiana shore Kentucky Louisville light pollution Ohio River West Point night lights river traffic ship lights ship traffic star trails
And I caught craters
My, oh my oh
(Not a composite photo)
Tags: Ohio River b&w photography monochrome moon moonbeam night sky river moon craters Milton Kentucky Madison Indiana