We need the President of the U.S.A. to unite all Americans not divide them, also one who will work together with our allies in order to bring us together with countries throughout the world to find positive solutions. We need to learn tolerance, understanding, love, respect and a way to create positive dialogue between all races, genders and non-violent religions. Hate only divides, love is the only answer. Through love, we can learn to collaborate and find democratic and mutual solutions to our disagreements. We don't always agree but can spend time to find ways to work things out. We can start at home, continue into our communities, other countries and globally. We need to include everyone, no-one deserves not to have a home, education, food on the table and good health. If we all try we can find solutions to this tremendous problem and stop the greed and selfishness. Life is always more fun working together, nothing much is achieved alone. Let's get together and insist that our government works for all of us. There is room for everyone in this world, especially when hate, privilege, and power are eliminated.
Today I have decided to once again share my daughter, Karen Lewis's poem, which she wrote for my painting Coming Together, her words make even more sense today:
Asian, Latin, European, African,
Native, Indigenous, Foreign, Alien,
Descriptions that fall short,
vague splotches on the canvas of life.
All have but one heart that beats,
blood is but one color.
Flesh and Features, each unique
Organs and muscles, identical.
Each face a work of art
Each mark distinctively it's own.
The beauty of our differences
far surpasses mere mortal comprehension.
Each unmatched culture,
it's own vibrant combination of colors and sounds,
the pulsing of a nation, a people.
These different beats unite,
to make the music of our world.
As each exceptional voice blends with the other,
the harmony of humanity rises
high above the dark clouds of oppression and ignorance.
North, South, East, West,
a baby's cry is but the same.
The pang of hunger and indifference
changes not with skin color.
In the ears of every mother and father
every sister and brother
the cries of oppression should ring loud.
A call to action, a call to save our human family.
Our differences are but brush strokes on this canvas,
each unique in shape and color
when viewed together.....
form the masterpiece of mankind.
Asian, Latin, European, African,
Native, Indigenous, Foreign, Alien,
Descriptions that fall short,
vague splotches on the canvas of life.
All have but one heart that beats,
blood is but one color.
Flesh and Features, each unique
Organs and muscles, identical.
Each face a work of art
Each mark distinctively it's own.
The beauty of our differences
far surpasses mere mortal comprehension.
Each unmatched culture,
it's own vibrant combination of colors and sounds,
the pulsing of a nation, a people.
These different beats unite,
to make the music of our world.
As each exceptional voice blends with the other,
the harmony of humanity rises
high above the dark clouds of oppression and ignorance.
North, South, East, West,
a baby's cry is but the same.
The pang of hunger and indifference
changes not with skin color.
In the ears of every mother and father
every sister and brother
the cries of oppression should ring loud.
A call to action, a call to save our human family.
Our differences are but brush strokes on this canvas,
each unique in shape and color
when viewed together.....
form the masterpiece of mankind.
Thank you for your kind visit. Have a wonderful and beautiful day! xo💜💜 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️
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