Detail of a co-authorship network of 8,500 doctors and scientists publishing on hepatitis C virus between 2008 and 2012. Data gathered from Medline, processed using Python, and visualised with Gephi.
Tags: sna social network analysis data visualisation data visualization dataviz datavis networks health medicine academia gephi data
Detail of a co-authorship network of 8,500 doctors and scientists publishing on hepatitis C virus between 2008 and 2012. Data gathered from Medline, processed using Python, and visualised with Gephi.
Tags: sna social network analysis data visualisation data visualization dataviz datavis networks health medicine academia gephi data
This image shows the co-authorship network of 8,500 doctors and scientists publishing on hepatitis C virus between 2008 and 2012, and the almost 60,000 co-authorship relationships between them.
The data was gathered from the Medline database, processed using a custom Python script, and visualised using Gephi.
Tags: sna social network analysis data visualisation data visualization dataviz datavis networks health medicine academia gephi data
The poster was created as part of my work at Inspired Science and Ketchum.
Tags: sna social network analysis data visualisation data visualization dataviz datavis networks health medicine academia gephi
Tags: gephi networkx networks graphml sna social network analysis python visualisation vizualisation datavis dataviz instagram social media social network social networks