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User / spelio / Sets / Lunches and picnics
105 items

N 0 B 807 C 2 E Oct 23, 2011 F Oct 22, 2011
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A relaxing early #roundaustraliawithspelio


Tags:   Oct 9 2003 travel NSW Victoria river picnic us table lunch stop cuppa morning brew Roundaustraliawithspelio

N 4 B 3.5K C 13 E Jan 1, 1974 F Jul 7, 2008
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B4R82-8 Bill Pierces Ck1974
ACT Forests

All gone in the 2003 ACT Fires

Must get a shot of the old "Quandary Crossing" further upstream....

ALOFBRID Trish (@EatShootBlog)
15/01/13 12:24 PM
This makes so much sense to me zenhabits.net/mmm/
Savouring the moment... lovely.

See twitter for Eatshootblog for this link... To savouring a moment.....

We photographers do this all the time.. I have been savouring moments for 69 years, that is why it takes me so long to do anything....
Even savouring old buildings.....

Sent from Bill's iPad.
More notes added in the comments below, and the iPad added this note!. Click #FlickrSpelio

Photography happens on earth, and earth needs its champions. If you’ve been around Flickr at all, you know how seriously we take our conservation and sustainability: We’re Certified Evergreen. We’re a Climate Pledge signatory and Climate Neutral Certified. We’re a member of The Conservation Alliance. And today, we’re pleased to join 1% for the Planet, a coalition of businesses who donate 1% of all sales, not just profits, to support verified environmental causes and organizations.

Think about it like this: Photography has existed for a little less than two centuries, but its impact on humanity is immeasurable. As the world’s largest photo community, our mission is to build a better world through the power of photography. Sustainability and conservation are baked right into our very core, and it’s our duty and privilege to protect the open and wild spaces that inspire photographers.

To further our efforts, we also joined the Mobilizing for Monuments Coalition and produced the Mobilizing for Monuments film, advocating for environmental conservation and the preservation of open spaces. And just recently, we conducted a report on how precious these places are to photographers.

A report on open spaces conducted by Awesome, Inc. on behalf of Flickr surveyed 1,767 photographers, including hobbyists, professionals, and small business owners. Key findings include:

95% of photographers surveyed agreed that limiting access to open spaces would adversely affect their business or craft.
9 out of 10 photographers derived at least a portion of their income from open spaces.
We’re doing what we can to protect these locations and our planet for endless future generations of photographers.


Tags:   #roundaustraliawithspelio #FlickrSpelio old slides family check date ruins pine picnic smoko 137views forest relax me portrait rust chimney hut historic ACT gone CGI corrugated iron Favs Favourites Favorites bush office Moment John AM Notes story history Forests survey work field AustralianCapitalTerritory Fave 1068views01-01-18 JD Selfie RMLAIDforests myself addnewCPT addsocial degrees Loci 584items 584itemsMac Travels with my Camera

N 0 B 946 C 0 E Nov 27, 2010 F Nov 30, 2010
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Tags:   Canberra ACT 2010 kids picnic bush river creek fun Australia G12

N 0 B 93 C 0 E Nov 9, 2010 F Dec 4, 2010
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Tags:   Nov 2010 Kendall NSW Australia

N 7 B 3.4K C 6 E Jul 21, 2009 F Dec 16, 2010
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Getting ready with some of the gear we now find we have to take on a picnic with a new baby and a dog!
And the old Hillman Hunter...#YAX874. at Pine Island ACT

There are two albums, a brown A3 size labelled - "Photographs " covering from Kate's birth Oct 1969, with a few shots of Mary on a Camel in Egypt in the cover, to Kate's first birthday party in the backyard with all the kids from our street! With shots of Mum C awkwardly holding Kate, to Pine Island picnic with Denis, Alison, Rick & Pat.

25 years later Mary thought the Esky was getting too old and had seen better days and wanted to abandon it in some remote place, but I hung onto it for another 20 years and we used it to keep spare beer in it at Cave Beach with ACE..

Early days of #roundaustraliawithspelio

Tags:   Gelli Gellie Alison Pat Rick Mary Bill me us 1970 Kate beach Pine Is Murrumbidgee picnic by Denis Ward B&W old scan Hillman Hunter family cars Esky Geli dog pet lunch pinic Roof rack Case suitcase AustralianCapitalTerritory YCPTPH YAX874 153-onMac PastPhotos Aswewere Looking-into-past 330items-acer 584items 584itemsMac Travels with my Camera 297-YCPTPH
