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N 6 B 24.1K C 120 E May 21, 2013 F May 21, 2013
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I think the comments here over a few years have relevance to this Group.. www.flickr.com/groups/14770211@N22/?added=2


See a 2019 update about the SmugMug rescue of Flickr.. ferdychristant.com/the-rise-fall-and-resurrection-of-flic...


A bug in the new Flickr already.. see the code blog code.flickr.net/

and the new home page demonstrating "expensive parallax scrolling code" flickr.com/new
You need to click on the image with the Mouse Wheel and scroll slowly, they call this progress!

"What’s old is new again: Stealing from the arcade" (code from old games)
Do we need it on the Flickr that Pro members used to love!

test for server farms www.flickr.com/help/test

Sign a petition here petitions.moveon.org/sign/change-flickr-back?source=c.url... Nov 2013

I was just trying to go back a screen on this shot!. This is a screen grab from another error! As I just found the newFlickr the next day after the changes WITHOUT Warning!
www.flickr.com/photos/whatsthatpicture/8767839576/in/t a...

I have just added this image to a representative collection of Groups on Flickr which will be effected by the new style Flickr.

The ease of reading text on a page of thumbnails is gone.

It is better here with the Edit menu www.flickr.com/photos/spelio/?details=1
BUT you have to go to your homepage. and trying to open the above link in a new tab with a right click, FAILS?

The map display is missing. Where is it?

you can't add notes close to the edge anymore, unless you drag it there!

The list of sets and groups that an image belongs to is moved down.. Off screen.

It is not the so -called full resolution, it depends on your monitor, or phone! We had this before!

If you wait for a page to load, it is 30M...,that blows our ISP account out!

The ability to arrange and display your images as you wish is gone, they are now all piled up together... And re-formatted from square to rectangular or otherwise.

See an excellent discussion of the changes from a founding member..

There is a recent Blog here.. planetbotch.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/flickrs-1-terabyte-sto...

But I disagree with its point that Flickr was not a good networking site, we all loved our contacts and the Groups we belonged to.

The blog missed the main use of a lot of members of Flickr as an archive of historiic and interesting images, as well as their travel and family shots they shared with family and contacts.

None of my contacts would use Tumblr or Facebook for their images...

Read all the comments on the help page... There are many pages of them...


and more here... www.flickr.com/groups/central/discuss/72157633534810865/

Flickr keeps adding more help pages as they fill up.. www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157633547442506/page185/

Help forum petition..

More help page comments..



Reason why Flickr was acquired by SmugMug..

The Flickr cookie knows who we are, what layout we have selected, what monitor and computer we are using, so it should be a simple thing for Flickr to make us all HAPPY!

Scroll down to more comments below.. And follow the link by Wil C. Fry below wilcfry.com/flickr-help/20130520/ for a list and comments on all the CHANGES...


Tags:   #awful #newflickr petition protest flickr groups linked links 363views-24-05-13 ipernity help feedback 557 views in a few days about the protest.. Mayer comments oldflickr aaaaargh Connection speed forum Thea justified view we was robbed newUI Chat reference bugs stats visits usage Yahoo experience Try our new photo experience beta beta testing test rollout ill-informed notes 2241views04-11-13 3737views10-3-14 NPE share 5104views21-05-14 8888views09-10-14 8970views12-10-14 screen shot grab clip 15522views06-10-15 FRED 1000 Fave bold code bold code Verizon sale 19725views19/08/18 20434views28-02-19 added to a Gallery aaarrrrggghhh ugh worry Flickr Elite elite 23584Views13-02-24 square square format Square Australia

N 24 B 30.4K C 47 E Oct 11, 2013 F Oct 10, 2013
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The pre-Beta Flickr screen is still seen on some photostreams!

The rescue of Flickr by SmugMug ferdychristant.com/the-rise-fall-and-resurrection-of-flic...

The title is not quite separate from the Comments, (on the Beat before this version with white text on black!)

In the pre-NPE BETA days, they were quite distinctive! before May 2013.
The comments below are just about unreadable in the NPE through 2013-14
paste from BD Images comments...
· Flickr Photo page Beta · Flag idea as inappropriate…
Black Diamond ImagesBlack Diamond Images commented · Oct 21, 2013
I have been away for this process for the last 4 days now and all I see on return is one huge mess.

Flickr is expecting us to naively take them on trust. They have beta'd a dysfunctional model that is impossible to evaluate and are being secretive about the likely loss of features.
It was not broken before this mess was foisted on us.

Here are just some of the probable reductions in features that Flickr has planned for us.

- loss of your ability to edit a comment you have written.
- loss of ability to add a photo under an image
- loss of ability to add notes
- loss of ability to see who has added your image as a favourite
- likely a significant reduction from 75 tags which can be added to an image
- loss of ability to see your photostream image thumbnails above groups first up in the sidebar
- loss of drag-out capability in the reduced size comment box eg try and drag out the comment box on this forum - you cannot and you cannet edit your comment either.
- loss of ability to view comments in chronological order
- loss of ability to see and read the tags
- loss of ability to have a space between words in tags
- loss of ability to immediately see that information is available to read in the description
- loss of white background with black easier-to-read text
- loss of ability to scroll down to easily read the description and supplementary comments.
- maybe loss of access to the map and geotagging
- loss of ability to see an image without the distracting and dysfunctional sidebar.
- almost total loss of the sense of community that previously existed
- loss of active group participation
- loss of many more frustrated, and now bitter people, from Flickr

Can you add further to my list of likely feature losses?

As someone below has said I hope these features are not to be lost also
Replace this photo
Edit title, tags, and dates.
Add/remove to set
Add to group
Add a note
Add/edit map
View all sizes
View Exif data (not just the basic).

SCROLL DOWN THE COMMENTS see more updates, and links to some Forum and staff comments.. This is easier said than done on the new Beta, so sorry, just go back to a PC and opt out of the New Experience...

These are the sort of NOTES we need!


See the origins of SmugMug www.awesome.co/

Tags:   NEWUI beta OLD FLICKR 175views04-11-13 linked help forum ugh 500pix flickr 996views04-12-13 10113views 13-03-14 bugs NPE 10 Fave Grab screenshot NPE Stanford link 23783views27/06/17 NEWUI #Speliocheck FRED Forum SmugMug discussion links permalink memoriam Creative commons betatest 28,168viewsx12-01-23 28690views07-01-24 Deceased

N 25 B 44.3K C 29 E Jan 1, 2000 F Jul 22, 2009
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this can be viewed on full widescreen with no map and list of Groups down the right side using an iPad
this image has NOTES all over it

One of my several "sheltered workshops", I occupied over 30 years with ACT Forests, under a number of Directors and bosses.

Mark Edgerley was my first Director, who I met before being hired, and taken out by Ian Gordon to meet some of the staff and Foresters of Stromlo, Pierces Creek, and Kowen.

A history of ACT Forests was written for a web site that never eventuated, in the very early days of the web. Then all the stories were lost in the 2003 fires!

A later Director was Tony Fearnside of FACTA and the Westbourne Woods.
Brian Pratt, of Pratt's Tackle Box, then Graham McKenzie Smith, then some of the redundancies started under the Chief Minister for the ACT, Kate Carnell.

Then Tony Bartlett, when many of the rest of us were made redundant in 2001, during which we had the first fire around Stromlo, then the Forests and most of the ACT was burnt in the 2003 fires!

My desk on Facebook..

I introduced CAD and computer mapping to Forests, on a NEC APC IV, 80286-80287, in 1987, using AutoCad 2.52.
The NEC APC IV was delivered on 25th Feb 1987 with the 20” GTCO Digitiser. Working back till 6:36 then rode home!

Notes from the purchase quote from Peter and the Warranty filed in ACT Forests docs bag. 05/08/19. Purchased in 1987.

I have notes from Canberra MICROWORLD, Digital Business Systems from Chapman amongst these papers..

During 1987 I bought an IBM clone from Peter Harris, of Digital Business Systems and the PCUG. This was a DBS Turbo Plus XT V20 processor, 8086 with an (8087 maths co-processor, bought later) PC Users Group, still running..
640k of RAM, and a huge 30Mb hard drive.

Just for the record.. Purchased on 30 July 1987.
It was a 4.77/10MHz, with 2 RS232 ports, 2 Centronics, "Tactile Auditory keyboard"!, Games Port, 1x360kb drives, 4 layer System Board, $1450 with 8086 Intel chip.
14" Dual Frequency EGA colour monitor, $899
The 30Mb drive was an extra $799!
EGA card $170
EGA Monitor $899 blew fuse 18/8/87 replaced 06/12/87
V20 chip $29 not long later I added an 8087 Maths-coprocessor
Mouse $119
Peter phoned 15/08/87 to check on it.
All up I paid about $3338
Bought the Epson wide dot matrix printer from a chap at University House 25/07/87 $430 (before the PC)

It was still running this year, 2009, when I gave it away to the Computer recyclers at Charnwood!

The computer here was the last in a series of PCs I ran, a Total Peripherals Pentium IV running NT. A Miro graphics card enabled two monitors to run, a rarity then.

I had an HP A0 plotter, HP pen plotter, and HP inkjet printer. AutoCAD 14 and Map, was controlled from a GTCO 20" digitizer, buried under maps and papers on the desk.
The desk was a typical National Mapping/BMR desk, built by the Government carpenters in Kingston, in 1971. All long gone...

This is the NT System.. photographed above.
System Information
Norton Utilities 8.0
System Report
Friday, 28 May 1999 12:16
Bill Crowle's Nimrod 486-33Mhz

* System Summary *

--------------------- Computer ---------------------
Computer Name: IBM AT or compatible
Built-in BIOS: AMI, Sunday, 7 July 1991
Main Processor: 80486DX, 33 MHz
Math Co-Processor: (Built-In)
Video Adapter: VGA, Secondary: None
Mouse Type: Serial Mouse, Version 9.01

--------------------- Disks ---------------------
Hard Disks: 2 x 39Mb check!
Floppy Disks: 360K, 1.44Mb

--------------------- Memory ---------------------
DOS Memory: 639K
Extended Memory: 7,168K
Expanded Memory: 1,024K

--------------------- Other Info ---------------------
Bus Type: ISA (PC/AT)
Serial Ports: 2
Parallel Ports: 3
Keyboard Type: 101-Key
Operating System: DOS 6.22

I even have a screengrab of the desktop display saved.
See below..

Many views are coming from a share on Tumblr..

A little LISP code I used or modified or compiled..
;;; This code assumes that any other S::STARTUP function is defined with defun-q
;;; Place this code in AcadDoc.Lsp

(defun-q MY_STARTUP ()
(setq acadApp (vlax-get-acad-object))
;; This code assumes the .dvb file is in the AutoCAD search path
(setq advbFil (findfile "PromptUser.dvb"))
(if advbFil
(setq avbaMacro (strcat advbFil "!Module1.RunDialog"))
;;; (vla-loadDVB acadApp advbFil)
(vla-RunMacro acadApp avbaMacro)
(vla-unloadDVB acadApp advbFil)
(if (setq reply (getvar "USERS1"))
(if (or (equal reply "ON") (equal reply "OFF"))
(princ (strcat "\nCheck Box is: " reply))
(princ "\nPromptUser.dvb was NOT found !")

(princ "\nAcadDoc.Lsp loaded ...")

BACKUP for GMcKS Notes.. 05-08-2019

Draft history of the mapping at ACT Forests by Bill Crowle from July 1971

I arrived at ACT Forests in the Electricity Bldg on London circuit. On 1st July 1971, From the BMR in Dept. of National Development.

Most of my experiences are covered in the Oral History recorded by Brendan O’Keefe.

Mark Edgerley was my first Director, who I met before being hired, I visited him in response to the job ad. I was taken out by Ian Gordon to meet some of
the staff and Foresters of Stromlo, Pierces Creek, and Kowen.

An interesting first week was spent meeting staff and touring the forests with Ian and Kevin Willis.

The Springboks came to Australia under protest, and we were asked by the Minister to build a fence around the Manuka Oval. Then we had an afternoon at the match… I was not political or a football fan!

A history of ACT Forests was written for a web site that never eventuated, in the very early days of the web. The files were stored on the ACT Gov. INTACT system..
Then all the stories where lost in the 2003 fires!

I commenced my days touring the forests with Kevin Willis or Bill Bateman. I sketched a bolster for a truck at Kowen, visited the Assessment Section under Peter Tinson at Forestry House, and met Roger Fenwick, who introduced me to the walk across Civic to the Griffin Centre and the Plan Printing section. Spent many hours there over the years printing various drawings with Joe Costa.

Assessment building was part of the Forest and Timber Bureau in Banks Street.

I observed the many wooden map cabinets or drawers, and few metal drawers with scattered maps over the depots, Assessment Office or HO. Most had been complied by aerial mapping, Radial line plots, and perhaps by the F&TB and 10chains to the inch and some compiled at 40 or 80ch. Usually there was no author, date or other information. This may be checked perhaps in the Map Library at the NLA where I deposited some towards the end of my career…

Met Ron Vivian, of the admin area, to get some maps for him and Roger and later discussed our maps with Mark Edgerley. He asked about getting mapping done by others and keep him up to-date with ideas.. National Mapping approached us for maps and photos covering Gibraltar and Stromlo. This all happened in my first few weeks as I soon got to meet mapping staff from the Interior Survey Branch, the NCDC and National Mapping. We decided to go metric, 1:10,000, for our base mapping, as the P Series were also converting from 1:9,600 ..
26th July 1971, we discussed compartment numbering to incorporate the year of planting, YOP, in the Cpt number, such as 7101 etc, this would extend in sequence across the estate. Thus 71001, Kowen had many in this year.

The Australian Survey Office had produced the P Series maps at 1:9,600 for a number of years before I commenced sorting out the 10 chain to an inch maps existing in the old wooden drawers at House 13 Stromlo or in some drawers at the rear of the Tudor House in Yarralumla where the Assessment crew were based.

I had approval for getting drafting bench, so approached the Dept. Works carpentry section to build one for me to the design of the Dept. National Development’s desks in the BMR, NCDC, and National Mapping etc This took awhile, during which time I worked from my home, where I had a bench and equipment. I was doing mapping and drawings for the ANU and then later Fortech, with Keith Grey and Chris Borough..

Then I became involved in the Area Statement. There was no system for recording mapping or history of each cpt, so I built up and index system with the help of a new temporary assistant, Roslyn Woodyer.
Her initials, RS, appeared on many cards…

At some later point, the Department of Interior Survey section was amalgamated with the Australian Survey Office, which moved into the new Cameron Offices at Belconnen. I visited them about Air Photos and digitising on 2nd Feb 1990.
Also spent the day getting the PC to go faster with the Autoexc.BAT and Config.SYS files and the Extended Memory. (Not sure which PC!)
More optimizing on the 9th.

Manual mapping systems were still at a high level. We kept abreast of techniques using methods of overlays, colour and screen printing at the BMR, which I used in Vegetation mapping of the Bullen Range for John Hicks, publications for the ANU, such as the Rambles Around Canberra and mining sites.
I checked About photogrammetry and digitising the ACT Forests Plantations and incorporating into my proposed AutoCad mapping system .

I did all my early survey calculations with Log tables and slide rules until ACT Forests purchased a Sharp 363P programmable calculator..
I was using it in Feb. 1973 with 22 programs stored on read and write magnetic strips it came with. See list in my Survey Calcs. Book Vol. One.
Listed in the back cover of Vol One are 50 programs used on the Sharp.
Several programs would write data to a magnetic card to be read from another loaded program. Where you can see the details. (Can’t believe I could write programs for it!)

Survey Branch was used up to 17-10-73, according to p.40

During early 1974 I started thinking about the accuracy and time taken for future Cpt surveys as requested before logging or planting.

An early request for a survey was for the replant of Cpt 1 in Uriarra, which became 73024. (Check) see FB243,244 (thought I had saved these)
See Vol. 1 Calc p91 undated..

Cpts. 43 & 44 Survey, p94 Stromlo dated 6-3-74
All these calcs were performed on the Sharp.
They were carried out using a compass, Abney level and Eslon 100m tape.

I had established during my week long test during Jan. 1974, surveying Cpt 18 Stromlo there was not a significant difference in the Area of the 5h compartment.

I traversed the Cpt. with our portable T12 Wild theodolite, a Wild RDS theodolite from FRI and steel bands or fiberglass Eslon tape. Suunto and Prismatic compasses.. An outline of the method is on p59. A map was plotted with the Areas and accuracy results.
The closing error varied from 1 in 8769, Area, 4.9617ha to 1 in 359 Area 4.953ha p73
Dated 15-3-74 p74 in the Survey Calculations No1.

These last calculations on p74 were re-done on the new HP 97 Programmable Calculator on 14-8-78 Area 4.9585ha with a closing error incl. of 2.55m
Note in home diary, 23-9-80 using the HP67 to do calcs, till it flat!

Launched by HP in 1976...

So we had upgraded by then to the HP97 calculator with 224 steps and 26 memories, or data storage registers, and several flag or Go-to subroutines or loops using the RPN logic system.

This Cpt. 18 was digitised from Air Photo Run 15 Feb 81 #430 on 22-9-81 and plotted on the Bruce Tafe plotter where I was writing digitising and plotting software on the PDP11-34. I was doing a computing course there and also spent many days using their computer, digitiser and plotter.

In conjunction with a Forester, Chris Lacy, who joined us from the NT for a while between postings, he wrote many HP97 routines to solve Areas by Double Longitudes, Heron and Bowditch Closure and correction. (see tag grimwade)

During June-July 1972 I was doing calculations for areas and coordinates to plot on the FRI HP plotter at Yarralumla, which I had free access to.

Some Calculations where produced by the Australian Survey Office, see Bk 1, p31 for Cpt 73028 in Uriarra p33 Cpt 73017 calcs and print out. & Cpt 73031 and 32.. 1973

They were able to digitise Stromlo as a trial.

They plotted a line 2m out from the pine edge around each cpt. I was then able to correlate these boundaries with the P-Series maps to digitise the roads and fences and any other assets.
I mapped all the euc areas, streams etc to produce a cartographic quality map.

I had commenced mapping of regional pine plantations at this time for Fortech, and after a few manual maps during which time I was researching Personal Computers for surveying and mapping.

During 1990-97 I mapped many areas, Glencres, Knapsack, Martins, Hilleast, (This was a manual compilation on drafting film)
Pinebark, Killen, Wyora, Braidwood, Holbrook, Shoalhaven fire regions..
The Legends, Layers, cartographic symbols and standards, evolved with this mapping and that of ACT Forests..

We were leaders in computer mapping and use of Personal Computers.

The IBM and clone 8086 series of PCs came out. I purchased one, 30 July 1987, $3,338, (see Events.xls) for my contract mapping with Fortech at the time AutoCAD 2,5 arrived. The PC needed an 8087 chip for the computational load of AutoCAD so with demonstrations by NEC and DEC PDP11-34 systems at the Bruce TAFE, where I enrolled in a computing course for Basic and Fortran then CAD mapping, I developed software for digitising maps and plantations from Air-photographs and available Cadastral maps. (see below)

On 18-08-87 I discussed CAD mapping standards with Fortech.

I purchased an NEC APCIV AT 80287 during 1987 with AutoCAD 2.52, which progressed through all the versions to AutoCAD 14 and the GIS version AutoCAD Map..

from a README.TXT file on the No2 CD-COPY..
All old drawings from Rel.10 on APC or ASI 386 floppy
moved to Network G: 10/2/95

Hi Graham,

I remember the WS initials on a few drawings that I sorted and filed.

Someone must have commenced all the base maps, on drafting film, most lacked a legend or title block and publishing details and were 10 chain or 20ch to an inch scale.

Some mapping may have been completed by the F&TB before ACT Forests hired a draughtsman. I don't remember adding this information to my index cards, the drawings usually lacked any publication or author details, or reason for creation.

There were some radial line photogrammetry plots that may have been compiled with the help of The Forestry and Timber Bureau. That may be a good source of some historical material..

There was not any system to the maps except for some old wooden drawers for each forest.
I ordered more steel flat drawers and all the Vertiplan map filing cabinets and commenced a map numbering and card index system.

The forest depots also had their own map drawers and a collection of photocopies.

We had a good collection of historical maps from other mapping bodies, it was a shame they were lost in the 2003 fires. I gave many to the National Library before I left, so many are saved!

I have noted some of my mapping experience on the description or in the comments of a few of my Flickr.com images... where I have Backed up these notes…

I seem to remember a mention that Walter was less keen on surveying or going bush, a part of my job that
I relished. I can't remember why he left or retired.

Sent from my iPad

On 14 May 2018, at 4:32 pm, wrote:

Hi Ron, Pam and Bill
Chatting with Ian Gordon he recalled a surveyor/draftsman before Bill joined ACT Forests in mid 1971. He recalls him as Walter Shaffron (could be different spelling) and he was Ukrainian.
Any comments?

From… flic.kr/p/6H2jGA

I introduced CAD and computer mapping to Forests, on a NEC APC IV, 80286-80287, in 1987,
using AutoCad 2.52. see flickr link above.

Found nearby programmer to write BASIC program to read the survey digital
co-ords data into AutoCAD… Jul 24 1987. *************

The NEC APC IV was delivered on 25th Feb 1987 with the 20” GTCO Digitiser. Working back till 6:36 then rode bike home!

Demo of the NEC to Frank Ingwerson Jul 9th. Brian Pratt here as Dir!
Mar 1st practising ACAD. Windows and DOS..
Apr 7th busy on the new NEC, and doing some Fortech maps after hours on it.

During the week of Jun 2nd tried to get data exchange between HP and the NEC.
Not sure which HP maybe we had the HP150 at this time with the 3 ¼” floppies which I made the Assets Database on.

At the same time, 30th July 1987, I bought an IBM clone from Peter Harris, of Digital Business Systems and the PCUG. Purchased on 30 July 1987.
This was a DBS Turbo Plus XT V20 processor, 8086 with an (8087 maths co-processor, bought later) PC Users Group, still running..
640k of RAM, and a huge 30Mb hard drive.
Just for the record..
It was a 4.77/10MHz, with 2 RS232 ports, 2 Centronics, "Tactile Auditory keyboard"!,
Games Port, 1x360kb drives, 4 layer System Board, $1450
14" Dual Frequency EGA colour monitor, $899
The 30Mb drive was an extra $799!
EGA card $170
EGA Monitor $899
V20 chip $29
Mouse $119

All up I paid about $3338

It was still running this year, 2009, when I gave it away to the Computer recyclers at Charnwood!

The computer here was the last in a series of PCs I ran, a Total Peripherals Pentium IV running NT.
A Miro graphics card enabled two monitors to run, a rarity then.

I had an HP A0 plotter, HP pen plotter, and HP ink jet printer. AutoCAD 14 and AutoCADMap, was controlled from a GTCO 20" digitizer, buried under maps, air photos, prints and E6 120 transparencies, and papers on the desk.
The desk was a typical National Mapping/BMR desk, built by the Government carpenters in Kingston, in 1971.
All long gone..

This is the NT System.. photographed above.
System Information
Norton Utilities 8.0
System Report
Friday, 28 May 1999 12:16
Bill Crowle's Nimrod 486-33Mhz

* System Summary *

--------------------- Computer ---------------------
Computer Name: IBM AT or compatible
Built-in BIOS: AMI, Sunday, 7 July 1991
Main Processor: 80486DX, 33 MHz
Math Co-Processor: (Built-In)
Video Adapter: VGA, Secondary: None
Mouse Type: Serial Mouse, Version 9.01

--------------------- Disks ---------------------
Hard Disks: 2 x 39Mb check!
Floppy Disks: 360K, 1.44M

--------------------- Memory ---------------------
DOS Memory: 639K
Extended Memory: 7,168K
Expanded Memory: 1,024K

--------------------- Other Info ---------------------
Bus Type: ISA (PC/AT)
Serial Ports: 2
Parallel Ports: 3
Keyboard Type: 101-Key
Operating System: DOS 6.22

I even have a screen grab of the desktop display saved.

Many views are coming from a share on Tumblr..

All old drawings from Rel.10 on APC-IV or ASI 386 floppy
moved to Network G: 10/2/95 I had the ASI on the 14th Feb 1991
Note on that date said I compiled a Job Specs file, maybe like these dot points!

Some jobs to do....

see \\WDMYCLOUD\Bill\ACT Forests Backups\ACT Forests Copy of Bills CD3-01 Disc from Forests\PLANNING

•Document valuable data, maps, photos, spreadsheets. \\FORESTS\public\PLANNING\AREASTAT\APRIL-2000- copy.123
If we can get a copy of Lotus 123 for the Area statement!

•Get backup tape installed, show how to use ZTreeWin.

•Install connection between IMS’s Kayak and Bill’s to enable writing of CDs

•Get connection to work to A0 plotter.
We started with a first plot of the Stromlo Map at A0 size by the Survey Branch Of Dept Interior in the T&G building with the help of Graham Lanham of the drawing Office.
I first came across Graham in the MLC building opposite North Building in Civic. see a photo here flic.kr/p/aCheaK

Caption "ACT Forests - more than just a pine plantation.

Surveyor and Cartographer, "Bill ", works on an 'AutoCAD' computer-generated map of Stromlo Forest. flic.kr/p/pTHMRz

with the Hasselblad 70mm/120 camera I used for aerial photography on the right..

I had been in touch with the drawing office of the Department of Interior to see the 'P' Series and the 1:2,400
Detail Sheets which we had a full set of.

The Australian Survey Office had produced the P Series maps at 1:9,600 for a number of years before I commenced sorting out the 10 chain to an inch maps existing in the old wooden drawers at House 13 Stromlo or in some drawers
at the rear of the Tudor House in Yarralumla where the Assessment crew were based.

This building was part of the Forests and Timber Bureau in Banks Street.

I had been in touch with the drawing office of the Department of Interior to see the 'P' Series and the 1:2,400
Detail Sheets which we had a full set of.

I kept adding to these sets and became involved in discussions to metricate the mapping and commence the
1:10,000 Mapping Series.

At some point the Department of Interior Survey Section was amalgamated with the Australian Survey Office.

Check details with Alex Petrow.. About photogrammetry and digitising the ACT Forest Plantations and incorporating into my proposed AutoCad mapping system... See on screen above.

Hi Graham,

I remember the WS initials on a few drawings that I sorted and filed.

Someone must have commenced all the base maps, on drafting film, most lacked a legend or title block and publishing details and were 10 chain or 20ch to an inch scale.

Some mapping may have been completed by the F&TB before ACT Forests hired a draughtsman. I don't remember adding this information to my index cards, the drawings usually lacked any publication or author details, or reason for creation even.

There were some radial line photogrammetry plots that may have been compiled with the help of The Forestry and Timber Bureau. That may be a good source of some historical material..

There was no system to the maps except for some old wooden drawers for each forest. I ordered more steel flat drawers and all the Vertiplan map filing cabinets and commenced a map numbering and card index system.

The forest depots also had their own map drawers and collection of photocopies.

We had a good collection of historical maps from other mapping bodies, it was a shame they were lost in the fires. I gave many to the National Library before I left, so many are saved!

I have noted some of my mapping experience on the description or in the comments of a few of my flickr images...

I seem to remember a mention that Walter was less keen on surveying or going bush, a part of my job that I relished. I can't remember why he left or retired.

Sent from my iPad

On 14 May 2018, at 4:32 pm, wrote:

Hi Ron, Pam and Bill
Chatting with Ian Gordon he recalled a surveyor/draftsman before Bill joined ACT Forests in mid 1971. He recalls him as Walter Shaffron (could be different spelling) and he was Ukranian.
Any comment


•Transfer my 3M post-it Notes tips and other reference files to Outlook, or similar database for future use.

•Many files on my H:drive, if moved, will upset the paths to the parent files.
• Move H:drive files to G:Drive??

•Translate Aboriginal/Heritage sites to GIS.

•Translate Nogo areas. And what else??

•Put hardcopy maps, such as U-200 onto GIS.

•Check all fences against Cadastral boundaries for consistency or errors. Check data with PALM.

•Add fences & gates/grids as assets to GIS with attributes.

Ron Murray asked me to create a database of all the Forests Assets.
We were playing with a new HP 150 desktop computer so I spent a few weeks learning the database Program and entered all our assets like PCs cameras, fences and gates. One week was spent documenting a bug in the software and reporting it to HP.
I don’t think we transferred it to Excel or Lotus 123

There were a few new database in the market at the time, like D-Base MS Works and Enable.
In Jan 1988 I spent ages trying to export attribute data from our ACAD DWGS to import into Enable.
I have a note on Feb 1’ 88 that Mike worked on a surveying software bug. This may have been Mike Archer from NG.. That night I attended a PCUG meeting at the ANU on Microsoft Works.

•What other assets, dams, tanks, culverts, buildings.

•Maps for future logging plans.
•Maps for forward roading plans.
•Check existing road network data for consistency and class attributes for use in GIS.
•Locate dwgs covering agistment, and link to agreements.
•Locate dwgs covering RFS fire suppression programs, and link to documents.
•Map Plantation Management Agreements, & link to Spreadsheets or databases.

•Document and/or locate Marvel?? survey maps.
•Document and create Yield Plot Field Books and dwgs.
•Survey cpt 148 Stromlo, with GPS and compare with existing photogrammetric plot and field survey, done with instruments.
•Update map for Annual Reports.
•Update maps of Management areas and its links to spreadsheet and database file. Implications of saving as Excel 5 file.

•Notify schools of discontinuation of Work Experience program.

•Make new brochures and maps. Print at publication quality. Maybe try it in house, or get Adobe Publish, or Corel?
•Make online maps available for Booking System for Events and Camping.
•On-line maps for Water Quality monitoring.
•On-line maps for Recreation Sites and Public Use events.
•Maps & diagrams for ACT Forests web sites.
•On-line maps for management of Natural & Cultural Heritage sites.
•On-line maps for firewood sales.
•Maps & GIS with on-line maps of environmental weeds.
•.......... etc


Many files on history and Tenure for GMcS..
\\\Bill\Backups\2001-03-01 Bills_No_2_CD Copy\TENURE

Some notes compiled for Graham McKenzie Smith's history of ACT Forests in an email sent on 19/05/18....


Tags:   #FlickrSpelio Stromlo historic office staff depot ACT Canberra history story notes linked computers plotters drafting drawing 579views17-01-13 maps mapping cartography NT Windows 8248views10-01-15 trove AustralianCapitalTerritory decorating house plants house plants Fave cad general random selection scan AutoCAD Forestry Inventory Yield Inventory Resource FRYIR Forestry Resource Yield Inventory Untidy mess desk tidy stuff 21045views20/05/18 23334views30-12-18 26555views16-01-20 myoffice ACT Forests LSP LISP code HO RMLAIDfor RMLAIDforests grimwade 30242views18-07-22 survey Max-Groups-some 32273views03-11-22 WWW Internet Le Conte book explored Flickrexplore keith Grey 42550views19/10/24 Worksta Geoff Cornell ACAD NEC monitors Rel10

N 17 B 25.7K C 30 E Oct 22, 2008 F Jan 7, 2011
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This is very remote, and not for the faint hearted without proper maps, or GPS and remote gear.
The drive in #Smoky60Series from Zanthus to Balladonia is 185km and took us one half days in the dust. 35-37psi in the BFGoodrich tyres, which could have been at 30. See many onscreen NOTES..

I had worked all over this area in 1965 for several months and knew where we were!

See here for a shot of the GSWA Land Rover in a donga somewhere around Balladonia,,,,,

We had a search once for the lost bus driver on the SUSS Nullarbor expedition in 1964, he had the sense to just walk South dragging a stick! You just head North or South and you will either hit the Trans Line or the Eyre Highway....

It is covered on the Hema GDT maps, plus we had the GA 1:250,000 maps of Australia on the laptop.

S31°18'23" E123°42'50"

another bush camp further SE www.flickr.com/photos/spelio/4710136249/in/photostream/

type Ctrl+F to search for items in the list!

see also www.exploroz.com/On_the_Road/Cooking_Equipment.aspx for Aussies

These comments are difficult to read and enjoy squashed up in the NEWUI BETA white text on black.. Read it all on an iPad in the meantime before Yahoo screw it up!
Now if you are lucky to have Fred or the NNPE, enjoy!

see some more outback tracks recommended by Australian Geographic Magazine, not much serious detail there though!


Some 4WD travels web site adventures.net.au/About/about.php

Here is a list of gear and tips by Dossier 48... on wordpress.

A comment on .. www.flickr.com/photos/something2see/15429939891/in/photos...
we carry enough fuel, diesel, for 1200km and several days... www.flickr.com/photos/spelio/5115389143/

Wheels tyres, water, tools, patches, winch, spade, tow rope, snatch strap, you name it!

Here is another extensive camp gear list...

See an RV Checklist here.. changingears.com/rv-checklist-inspection.shtml

Tags:   WA Travel Zanthus-Balladonia 2008 camp104 outback 4WD track Nullarbor grey nomad camp Scruby Mary Smoky Favs Favourites Favorites camplist list gear maps equipment remote places we have camped added-to-Gallery 206views03-01-13 4098views05-12-13 NNPE test Zeta Fred notes dishes 16985views16-10-15 Flickr kitchen tips 18424views11/03/16 Link reference Story comments below 19217views15/09/16 1000 Fave Wax Converters Textiles canvas Australian Made Velcro Palace OKA #Smoky60Series specs camper trailer campertrailer offroad glamping added to a Gallery #Speliocampsite Grain 35mm Pentax 50mm Film analog analogue Speliospade

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ruins of 9" Oddie Refractor telescope, in the background...
A few images taken at today's Canberra Flickr members meet.

See some of the restored buildings here.. msowww.anu.edu.au/index.php

and more images loaded later.... www.flickr.com/photos/spelio/5127354027/

Also nearby is the site’s largest and most advanced telescope, the 74-inch reflector was the Observatory’s primary research instrument throughout its lifetime. Its completion in 1955 was critical to Mount Stromlo’s shift from solar to stellar astronomy. The telescope was capable of looking deep into space and contributed to our understanding of the life-cycles of stars and galaxies.
The 74" telescope, built by GrubbParsons in the early 1950s
The reflector had three focal arrangements, each of which allowed different astronomical techniques. One of the most powerful high-dispersion spectrographs in the world was permanently mounted on the Coudé focus – an instrument that astronomers could use to separate incoming light into a frequency spectrum. The telescope was also capable of advanced CCD imaging (charge-couple device - the same technology used in digital cameras) to produce high-quality photographs. The 74-inch reflector was so big that it initially required two people to function – one to operate the instrument attached to the focal arrangement, and another to drive the telescope and monitor the weather. The telescope was destroyed in the 2003 firestorm but remains in situ.

P9090011 I reloaded this shot, Oct '18, now it is #51 in explore and attracted 4,200 extra views since posting.. see below in the comments for the old version. and where some ruins ended up at Questacon...

See this link www.flickr.com/photos/58977655@N06/42885533910/#comment72...
and to

Tags:   Mt Stromlo 2003 fires Observatory flickr group meet #51 explore 17564views7-10-18 building ruins burnt Mt top 20000 inExplore good history bushfire ACT Australia ACT Forests 24738views-23-01-23 Murder shack explored Flickrexplore
